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Cruiser | Japan | Tier V
Tech Tree Position
Research price11500 exp
Purchase price1 710 000 Creditos
Hit Points28 300 
Main Battery
200 mm/50 3rd Year Type No. 16 х 1 pcs.
Rate of Fire2.73 shots/min.
Reload Time22 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time36 sec.
Firing Range12.62 km.
Maximum Dispersion109 m.
HE Shell200 mm HE Common Type4 
Maximum HE Shell Damage3300 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell17 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity870 m./s.
HE Shell Weight110 kg.
AP Shell200 mm AP Type5 
Maximum AP Shell Damage4500 
Initial AP Shell Velocity870 m./s.
AP Shell Weight110 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
80 mm/40 3rd Year Type4 х 1 pcs.
Firing Rangekm.
Rate of Fire17.14 shots/min.
Reload Time3.5 sec.
HE Shell76 mm HE Mk2 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1300 
Initial HE Shell Velocity680 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel%
Torpedo Tubes
610 mm Triple2 х 3 pcs.
Rate of Fire0.82 shots/min.
Reload Time73 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
Maximum Damage14 600 
Torpedo Speed63 knot
Torpedo Rangekm.
AA Defense
7.7 mm/80 Type922 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second3.2 
. . . Firing Range0.99 km.
80 mm/40 3rd Year Type4 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second6.4 
. . . Firing Rangekm.
Maximum Speed34.5 knot
Turning Circle Radius750 m.
Rudder Shift Time9.2 sec.
Surface Detectability Range12.24 km.
Air Detectability Range7.02 km.
Battle Levels
1 710 000

Furutaka — Japanese Tier V cruiser.

El diseño de un nuevo crucero explorador se basaba en los cruceros británicos de clase Hawkins e incorporaba soluciones de diseño puestas a prueba en el crucero Yūbari. El armamento constaba de seis cañones de 200 mm. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el Furutaka participó en la operación en las islas Salomón, así como en las batallas del mar del Coral y la isla de Savo. El 11 de octubre de 1942, durante la batalla del cabo Esperanza, unos 90 proyectiles alcanzaron el Furutaka, lo que provocó la detonación de sus torpedos. El crucero se hundió el 12 de octubre por la mañana.


link=Ship: Rate of Fire
180 Degree Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
200 mm/50 Tipo tercer año n.º 1 en una torreta Modelo E22,7301093300174500 0130 000
203 mm/50 Tipo tercer año n.º 2 en una torreta Modelo E24301093300174700 3200320 000
link=Ship: Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Furutaka (A)28 3006105342/4/42 0150 000
Furutaka (B)30 7006105342/4/42 6300480 000
link=Ship: Rate of Fire
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
180 Degree Turn Time
Maximum Damage
Torpedo Speed
Torpedo Range
Research price
Purchase price
Tipo 80,7907,214 600636 0120 000
Tipo 8 mod. 20,6947,216 2665910 3600400 000
link=Ship: Firing Range Increase
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Tipo 5 mod. 10 0100 000
Tipo 5 mod. 20 2400260 000
link=Ship: Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsión: 102 000 CV34,5 090 000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Modificación 1 del armamento principal
Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar
Modificación 1 de la santabárbara
Modificación 1 del equipo de control de daños
 Slot 2 
Modificación 1 del sistema de control de daños
Modificación 1 de búsqueda hidroacústica
Protección de la sala de máquinas
 Slot 3 
Modificación 2 de la batería principal
Modificación 1 de la batería secundaria
Modificación 1 de los cañones AA
Modificación 1 de los sistemas de tiro
Modificación 1 de los tubos lanzatorpedos

Player Opinion


The first heavy cruiser within Japan's cruiser tree and one of the first heavy cruisers in the game, the Furutaka has a surprisingly powerful complement of six 203mm guns, allowing her to deal with anything it encounters. While slow-firing, their large calibre and accuracy allows the Furutaka to deal large amounts of damage in a single salvo. Fully upgraded, her guns have a range of 13km, while her torpedoes can hit 10km. A common tactic is to fire at the target with her guns, close in and fire off one spread of torpedoes and run away while firing another salvo or spread of torpedoes from the other side when the opportunity arises. While her speed is good, she rapidly loses speed when turning, as such you will be the most vulnerable when turning to run away from the opponent.

If possible, do not draw attention to yourself as your ship has poor armour overall as even destroyers will have no problem making your life miserable. Avoid getting drawn into a close range gunfight at all costs, as the Furutaka will almost always lose - she excels most when firing at unsuspecting targets from a distance (despite having a relatively short range). Except for the poor armour, playing the Furutaka leans more towards behaving like a strike cruiser rather than a typical heavy cruiser. While an experienced player can duel cruisers of equivalent and even of a +1 tier one on one, often the best way to play the cruiser, especially in higher tier battles, is to find a battleship or destroyer to support (and to draw fire).

The Furutaka's weak armor can be compensated by putting the Furutaka in erratic and evasive maneuvers, but be warned, speed will be lost in the turn (which admittedly, can be used to a player's advantage). Moreover, the Furutaka's hull is strong enough so it can be angled against equivalent tier cruisers to improve its survivability and protect its citadel, but Battleship guns will quite easily overmatch such angling. Try to avoid engaging battleships unless supported by other ships.

Due to patches, the Furutaka's Hull C upgrade has changed quite drastically to reflect its historical renovation. Aside from increasing the AA suite's armament, the upgrade now rearranges the cruiser's six guns into three dual-gun turrets, two superfiring turrets on the front and one on the rear, the same configuration that Aoba carries. This basically doubles the Furutaka's forward armament compared to its Hull B, allowing it to chase and track targets far more effectively with its forward guns, and carry out evasive maneuvers while firing. Moreover, the upgrade allows for some of the more awkwardly positioned central turrets to be placed into more effective positions.


  • Powerful, accurate guns at her tier with very large firing arcs on all turrets(which can be a double edged sword)
  • Upon upgrade to Hull C, Furutaka can bear the majority of her firepower forwards, allowing the cruiser to pursue and harass fleeing ships with relative ease.
  • Fast when going in a straight line, easily keeping up with destroyers
  • Low detection range allows her to surprise unsuspecting targets and disengage easily
  • Has good broadside potential despite carrying single mount turrets and broadsides become easier to use upon final hull upgrade.
  • Potent torpedoes with good range, decent speed, and powerful warheads (very good for killing battleships).
  • The hydroacoustic ability, combined with her powerful guns, virtually makes her into a dangerous destroyer killer at her tier.
  • Excels at Destroyer screening for Battleships


  • She has thin armour for a heavy cruiser and large, easy-to-hit citadel
  • Loses speed rapidly in turns and rudder shift is sluggish, and has a large turning circle
  • Her 13km gun range means you need to get in closer than most cruisers; very underwhelming gun range when bottom-tiered
  • She requires a complete change of play style for players who have only played the preceding light cruisers
  • Limited ability to fully utilise torpedoes due to mounting only one quadruple-mount on each side and her poor handling
  • Long gun reload time and arduously slow turret turning time (situation is improved with the Hull C), which can hamper her destroyer fighting efforts
  • Her AA suite is very weak; carriers hellbent on killing her will practically be like shooting fish in a barrel
  • Her catapult fighter helps reduce her vulnerability to aircraft, but is ineffective against fully concentrated torpedo assault by multiple squadrons


Get the Type B or Second Hull first, Then get the Fire Control system upgrade for a little added range. If you are able to afford it after upgrading the Fire Control, get the Refitted guns for +200 extra AP damage and increased rate of fire. Lastly Upgrade the hull to Type C. Try to get this ASAP because the dual mounted turrets do make a noticeable difference in increasing the Furutaka's forward firepower. This upgrade also upgrades her torpedo launchers into quadruple torpedo mounts and marginally improves her AA firepower. If you wish to improve your torpedoes as this heavy cruiser can perform torpedo runs to a degree, upgrade the torpedoes.

Furutaka should have the Main Armaments Modification 1 and the Steering Gears Modification 1 installed, because both her guns and torpedoes as well as her steering are vulnerable to being knocked out. Fitting the Aiming Systems Modification 1 will also reduce her already quite accurate shell spread.

Optimal Configuration

Commander Skills


Historical Info

Historical Gallery

Ships of Japan
Destroyers  II TachibanaDoblones • II Umikaze • II Tachibana LimaDoblones • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V FūjinDoblones • V KamikazeDoblones • V Kamikaze RDoblones • V Mutsuki • VI [[Ship:Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)|Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome BDoblones • VI ShinonomeDoblones • VII [[Ship:Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)|Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)]] • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII YūdachiDoblones • VIII [[Ship:Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)|Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII AsashioDoblones • VIII HSF Harekaze IIDoblones • VIII Asashio BDoblones • VIII HSF HarekazeDoblones • VIII AL YukikazeDoblones • IX [[Ship:Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)|Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)]] • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • IX MinegumoDoblones • IX STAR KitakazeDoblones • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate • X AL Shimakaze • X [[Ship:[Shimakaze]|[Shimakaze]]] •  Yamagiri 
Cruisers  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDoblones • IV YūbariDoblones • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDoblones • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDoblones • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDoblones • VII MayaDoblones • VII ARP Myōkō • VII ARP AshigaraDoblones • VII ARP Haguro • VII Southern DragonDoblones • VII Eastern DragonDoblones • VII ARP Nachi • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDoblones • VIII AtagoDoblones • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDoblones • VIII ARP Takao • VIII ARP MayaDoblones • VIII Tone 2 • VIII Tone 3 • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDoblones • IX AL AzumaDoblones • IX Chikuma IIDoblones • IX Chikuma II GoldenDoblones • IX BA TakahashiDoblones • X Zaō • X Yodo • X Yoshino • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami • X Yari • X Zaō CLR • X [[Ship:[Zaō]|[Zaō]]] 
Battleships  II MikasaDoblones • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDoblones • V Kongō • V ARP Kongō • V ARP Kirishima • V ARP Haruna • V ARP Hiei • V HSF HieiDoblones • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDoblones • VI IseDoblones • VI Ise 2 • VI Ise 3 • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDoblones • VII HyūgaDoblones • VIII Amagi • VIII Yumihari • VIII KiiDoblones • VIII Ignis PurgatioDoblones • VIII RagnarokDoblones • IX Izumo • IX Adatara • IX Musashi • IX HizenDoblones • IX IwamiDoblones • IX DaisenDoblones • IX TsurugiDoblones • IX Iwami BDoblones • X Yamato • X Bungo • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato • X [[Ship:[Yamato]|[Yamato]]] •  Satsuma 
Aircraft Carriers  IV [[Ship:Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)|Hōshō (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Hōshō • V [[Ship:Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)|Zuihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)|Ryūjō (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Ryūjō • VII [[Ship:Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hiryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Kaga (< 23.01.2019)|Kaga (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)|Shōkaku (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Shōkaku • VIII KagaDoblones • VIII Kaga BDoblones • IX [[Ship:Taihō (< 23.01.2019)|Taihō (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)|Hakuryū (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Hakuryū • X Shinano • X [[Ship:[Hakuryū]|[Hakuryū]]] •  Sekiryu
N/A  I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven ProvinciënDoblones • VIII Admiraal • VIII Statenland • IX Johan de Witt • IX Van SpeijkDoblones • X Gouden Leeuw • X Prins van Oranje • X Vrijheid 
U.S.A.  I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDoblones • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDoblones • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDoblones • V Marblehead LimaDoblones • V RattleheadDoblones • VI [[Ship:Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)|Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)]] • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDoblones • VII [[Ship:Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)|Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)]] • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDoblones • VII Atlanta BDoblones • VII BoiseDoblones • VII FlintDoblones • VIII [[Ship:New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)|New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)]] • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDoblones • VIII AnchorageDoblones • VIII CongressDoblones • VIII RochesterDoblones • VIII San DiegoDoblones • VIII AL MontpelierDoblones • IX [[Ship:Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)|Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)]] • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX Alaska • IX TulsaDoblones • IX Alaska BDoblones • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X Salem • X Austin •  Jacksonville •  Annapolis 
N/A  I Gryf • VI ElliDoblones • X Svea 
Germany  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDoblones • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDoblones • VI LeipzigDoblones • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDoblones • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDoblones • VII WeimarDoblones • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDoblones • VIII MainzDoblones • VIII SchillDoblones • VIII Mainz BDoblones • VIII Cross of DornDoblones • VIII WiesbadenDoblones • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX ÄgirDoblones • IX Admiral SchröderDoblones • IX Roon CLRDoblones • IX AL ÄgirDoblones • X Hindenburg • X Hildebrand • X [[Ship:[Hindenburg]|[Hindenburg]]] •  Clausewitz 
U.S.S.R.  I Orlan • II DianaDoblones • II Diana LimaDoblones • II Novik • III AuroraDoblones • III Bogatyr • III OlegDoblones • III VaryagDoblones • III AL AvroraDoblones • IV Svietlana • V MurmanskDoblones • V [[Ship:Kirov (< 10.06.2020)|Kirov (< 10.06.2020)]] • V Kotovsky • V Krasny KrymDoblones • V MikoyanDoblones • V KirovDoblones • VI Budyonny • VI MolotovDoblones • VI Admiral MakarovDoblones • VII Shchors • VII LazoDoblones • VII Lazo BDoblones • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail KutuzovDoblones • VIII OchakovDoblones • VIII Pyotr BagrationDoblones • VIII Bagration • VIII Dmitry PozharskyDoblones • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX Kronshtadt • IX Kozma MininDoblones • X Moskva • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X Stalingrad • X Smolensk B • X Smolensk • X Sevastopol • X Komissar • X [[Ship:[Moskva]|[Moskva]]] • X Vladimir Monomakh • X Petrozavodsk •  Novosibirsk 
Italy  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDoblones • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDoblones • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDoblones • VII Francesco FerruccioDoblones • VII GoriziaDoblones • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • IX MichelangeloDoblones • X Venezia • X Napoli • X Napoli B • X Ravenna •  Piemonte 
N/A  I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante AbreuDoblones • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de JulioDoblones • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante GrauDoblones • IX Santander • X San Martín 
Japan  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDoblones • IV YūbariDoblones • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDoblones • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDoblones • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDoblones • VII MayaDoblones • VII ARP Myōkō • VII ARP AshigaraDoblones • VII ARP Haguro • VII Southern DragonDoblones • VII Eastern DragonDoblones • VII ARP Nachi • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDoblones • VIII AtagoDoblones • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDoblones • VIII ARP Takao • VIII ARP MayaDoblones • VIII Tone 2 • VIII Tone 3 • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDoblones • IX AL AzumaDoblones • IX Chikuma IIDoblones • IX Chikuma II GoldenDoblones • IX BA TakahashiDoblones • X Zaō • X Yodo • X Yoshino • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami • X Yari • X Zaō CLR • X [[Ship:[Zaō]|[Zaō]]] 
U.K.  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDoblones • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDoblones • VI DidoDoblones • VI Orion '44Doblones • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDoblones • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDoblones • VIII Tiger '59Doblones • VIII Belfast '43Doblones • VIII HampshireDoblones • VIII NottinghamDoblones • VIII AL CheshireDoblones • VIII STAR EdinburghDoblones • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X Monmouth • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X Plymouth • X Gibraltar • X Defence •  Edgar 
France  I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De GrasseDoblones • VI DupleixDoblones • VI MontcalmDoblones • VI [[Ship:[La Galissonnière]|[La Galissonnière]]]Doblones • VII Algérie • VII ToulonDoblones • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII BayardDoblones • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX CarnotDoblones • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X Colbert • X Brennus •  Condé 
Pan-Asia  I Chengan • III Ning HaiDoblones • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI HuangheDoblones • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII IrianDoblones • VIII WukongDoblones • IX Sejong • IX DalianDoblones • IX MengchongDoblones • IX TianjinDoblones • X Jinan • X Incheon 
N/A  I Júpiter • II Méndez Núñez • III Navarra • IV Almirante Cervera • V Galicia • VI Baleares • VI CanariasDoblones • VII Asturias • VIII Cataluña • VIII NumanciaDoblones • IX Andalucía • IX Almirante OquendoDoblones • X Castilla 
Commonwealth  I Sutlej • II Port Jackson • III Caradoc • IV Dunedin • V Delhi • VI Hobart • VI PerthDoblones • VI MysoreDoblones • VII Uganda • VIII Auckland • IX Encounter • IX HectorDoblones • X Cerberus • X Brisbane