Commander Base Trait
Frozen Edge
Risk of catching fire (-6%)
Battleship Detectability (-4%)
Commander Bio:I am Sovetskaya Rossiya, of Project 23. I was part of a strategic plan during the war, but for various reasons, I never came to be. I see though that I can prove my value here in this fleet with a series of decisive victories. One of the mightiest warriors of the Northern Parliament, Sovetskaya Rossiya not only looks cold, she also acts cold. That's what you want from a leader in many cases, and she's well-equipped for tasks that require true leadership. |
Not the One for Nuisance
Risk of catching fire (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Risk of flooding and Torpedo damage to the citadel (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Battleship main battery reload time (-3/-6/-8/-10%)
Torpedo detectability range (+4/+8/+12/+15%)
Battleship main battery range (-3/-6/-8/-10%)
No-Fly Zone
Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Destroyer Gun Traverse speed (+0.8/+1.6/+2.4/+3.2°/s)
Cruiser and Battleship guns Traverse speed (+0.3/+0.6/+0.9/+1.2°/s)
Dance with Death
Torpedo launcher and main/secondary battery reload time per 1% HP lost (-0.03/-0.06/-0.09/-0.12%)
Main Battery Traverse speed per 1% HP lost (+0.01/+0.02/+0.03/+0.04°/s)
On Second Thought
Shell type switching time if all main battery guns are fully loaded (-15/-30/-45/-55%)
Main Battery reload time (-2/-3/-4/-5%)
Damage control party cooldown time (-2/-6/-8/-10%)
Damage control charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)
Damage control party duration (-70/-50/-40/-20%)
Master Mechanic
Amount of HP recovered (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Repair Party charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)
Collective Labor
Damage control party duration (+5/+10/+15/+20%)
Damage control charges (+1)
Reaching Out XXL
Main battery range (+1/+2/+3/+4%)
Battle Cry
Minimum ricochet angle of your Battleship's AP shells (+2/+3/+4/+5°)
Guaranteed ricochet angle of your Battleship's AP shells (+2/+3/+4/+5°)
Deal more damage with citadel strikes (+4/+6/+8/+10%)
| Commander Legendary Skill
Will to Rebuild
Amount of HP recovered (+27.5/+47/+73/+110%)
Repair Party duration (-20/-30/-40/-50%)
Special Effect: Rate of repair per second +0.3% Auto-repair when HP is equal to or less than 20% Active when an allies shop is within X range
Running With Scissors
Battleship gun traverse speed (+0.5/+1/+1.3/+1.6°/s)
Rudder-shift time (-2/-5/-8/-10%)
Main Battery dispersion (+3%)
Special Effect: Battleship's Main gun AP shells damage +15% Battleship's Main gun SAP shells damage +15% Battleship's Main gun HE shells damage +15% Active when an enemy ship is within X range (5/6/7/8km)
Fight Fire With Fire
Fire damage to your ship for each active fire (-6/-9/-12/-15%)
Removes damage-over-time effects from your ship whenever there are 3 concurrent fires. Can only be triggered if your damage control party is on cooldown or fully depleted