Commander Base Trait
Core Values
Incoming damage to your citadel (-10%)
Commander Bio:William Tennant (1890-1963) was an admiral of the Royal Navy (1948). During the years of World War I, as a young officer, he served on the destroyers and light cruisers of the Harwich Force and the Grand Fleet. During this time, he gained a wealth of experience from constant confrontations with German ships. After the war, Tennant served on number of Royal Navy cruisers, from light cruisers to battlecruisers. Being a navigation specialist, he spent some time working as an instructor in navigation school. He also spent a long time working in the various departments of the Admiralty responsible for strategic planning and fleet development. William Tennant's finest hour was at the end of May of 1940, when he was appointed as Senior Naval Officer at Dunkirk, where the evacuation of Allied troops took place. For several days, until the very last ships carrying British soldiers left the port, Tennant coordinated the evacuation process. Those who survived the "Miracle of Dunkirk" were so impressed by his energy and courage that they took to calling him "Dunkirk Joe." Four years later, the Allies returned, and among those who had planned Operation Overlord and spearheaded the landings in Northern France was Admiral William Tennant. |
Burn It Down XXL
Chances of HE shells and Bombs Causing fire (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2%)
Cruiser gun traverse speed (+0.4/+0.8/+1.2/+1.6°/s)
Incoming Splash Damage (-2/-3/-5/-7%)
Shows a warning indicator for the number of enemy ship's currently targeting your ship with their main batteries
AP Shell and Bomb penetration multiplier (+1/+2/+3/+4%)
No-Fly Zone
Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Before It's Too Late
Torpedo Detectability Range (+5/+8/+12/+15%)
Full Speed Ahead
Maximum Cruiser speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Rudder-shift time (-2/-5/-8/-10%)
Maximum movement speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Incoming damage for cruisers (-2/-3.4/-4.7/-6%)
Armaments HP (+5/+10/+15/+20%)
Armaments repair time (-5/-10/-15/-20%)
Light Fortress
Incoming damage for cruisers (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Steer Clear
Rudder-shift time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)
steering gear repair time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)
Acoustic Chamber
Sonar cooldown time (-13/-20/-28/-35%)
Sonar duration (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Sonar Charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)
| Commander Legendary Skill
Fully Packed
Cooldown time for all consumables (0/-2/-3/-5%)
Consumable charges (+1)
Special Effect: Cooldown time for all consumables -20% Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)
By the Book
Damage control party cooldown time (-5/-9/-12/-15%)
Damage control party duration (+4/+6/+8/+10%)
Special Effect: Incoming damage for cruisers (-20%) Active when an allied ship is within X range (2.5/3.2/3.9/4.5)