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Andre Roux

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commander Profile  WoWsLIconWhite.png


Commander Base Trait



Cruisers main gun HE shells damage (+5%)

Commander Bio:

André Roux (1907-1983) was a Rear Admiral of the French Navy (1961). Up until the start of World War II, the career of this Breton officer did not foreshadow any heroic deeds. After graduating from Naval School, he received the specialty of a marine officer. In 1938, Lieutenant Roux was assigned to the Far East to Savorgnan de Brazza-one of the French colonial sloops, to which he had a long combat connection. Shortly after World War II began, his ship was reassigned from the hot French Indochina to the harsh waters of Norway to support the Allied forces operating there. A little later, he had to take part in fierce battles with the German fleet and aviation, rescuing British and French soldiers from Dunkirk. When France capitulated, André Roux joined General de Gaulle to keep fighting against Germany. He was assigned as a commander of the same old Savorgnan de Brazza and spent a year and a half off the coast of Africa, especially distinguishing himself in the Battle of Gabon in November 1940. Later in the war, Roux participated in the protection of the Atlantic convoys and commanded a division of escort ships in the Mediterranean. In the 1950s, during the war in Indochina, André Roux, brilliantly conducting a number of amphibious operations, reaffirmed his reputation as an enterprising commander who could always find the enemy's weak spot.


Commander Skill 1

Burn It Down XXL


Chances of HE shells and Bombs Causing fire (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2%)



Cruiser gun traverse speed (+0.4/+0.8/+1.2/+1.6°/s)

Incoming Splash Damage (-2/-3/-5/-7%)

Shows a warning indicator for the number of enemy ship's currently targeting your ship with their main batteries



AP Shell and Bomb penetration multiplier (+1/+2/+3/+4%)

No-Fly Zone


Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Commander Skill 2

Before It's Too Late


Torpedo Detectability Range (+5/+8/+12/+15%)

Full Speed Ahead


Maximum Cruiser speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Rudder-shift time (-2/-5/-8/-10%)

Commander Skill 3



Maximum movement speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)



Incoming damage for cruisers (-2/-3.4/-4.7/-6%)

Armaments HP (+5/+10/+15/+20%)

Armaments repair time (-5/-10/-15/-20%)

Go All Out


Detectability while engine boost is active(-2.5/-5/-7.5/-10%))

Engine boost cooldown time (+25/+28.33/+31.66/+35%)

Commander Skill 4

Steer Clear


Rudder-shift time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)

steering gear repair time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)

Acoustic Chamber


Sonar cooldown time (-13/-20/-28/-35%)

Sonar duration (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Sonar Charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)

Commander Legendary Skill

Fully Packed


Cooldown time for all consumables (0/-2/-3/-5%)

Consumable charges (+1)

Special Effect: Cooldown time for all consumables -20% Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)

By the Book


Damage control party cooldown time (-5/-9/-12/-15%)

Damage control party duration (+4/+6/+8/+10%)

Special Effect: Incoming damage for cruisers (-20%) Active when an allied ship is within X range (2.5/3.2/3.9/4.5)

All Commanders

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


French Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

Andre Roux

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Soviet Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_CV_Icon.png  Aircraft Carrier

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Italian Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑European Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

Legends_Destroyer_Icon.png  Destroyer

Legends_Battleship_Icon.png  Battleship

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑Asian Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

Legends_Destroyer_Icon.png  Destroyer

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Commonwealth Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑American Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Battleship_Icon.png  Battleship

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Netherlands Commanders

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser