- This article is about the American TD. For the Soviet medium tank, see T-28.
Mouse over "
[Client Values; Actual values in
2,580,000 ![]() |
1500300 HP Hit Points |
59.21/59.815.88/62.45 t Weight Limit |
- Commander (Radio Operator)
- Gunner
- Driver
- Loader
670780 hp Engine Power |
22/10 km/h Speed Limit |
2024 deg/s Traverse |
11.3249.12 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
YesYes Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
AP/APCR/HE Shells |
1060/4800/900 Shell Cost |
240/240/320400/400/515 HP Damage |
170/258/45248/297/60 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
8.7 r/m Standard Gun ▲
6.59 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2088 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
2636 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.35 m With 50% Crew: 0.434 m ▲
0.38 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.471 m |
s 1.7 s 2.1 Aim time |
2626 deg/s Gun Traverse Speed |
21° Gun Arc |
-5°/+20°-5°/+20° Elevation Arc |
7240 rounds Ammo Capacity |
2020 % Chance of Fire |
m 370 m 370 View Range |
m 395 m 745 Signal Range |
Additional Statistics
(Top Configuration)
- Stationary: 18.3%
- When Moving: 11.1%
- When Firing: 5.5%
Terrain Resistance
- On Hard Ground: 1.06
- On Medium Ground: 1.34
- On Soft Ground: 2.78
Dispersion Change Values
- Turret Contribution
- Rotation: 0.08
- Shot Recoil: 3.84
- Suspension Contribution
- Acceleration: 0.18
- Turning: 0.18
With 100% Crew

The T28 is an American tier 8 tank destroyer.
The development of a superheavy vehicle with enhanced armor started in the second half of 1943. The design featured the power unit and electrical transmission of the experimental T23 medium tank. The vehicle was supposed to feature a new 105-mm anti-aircraft gun. The design was later used for the creation of the T95 assault tank. Existed only in blueprints.
When you first play the T28, you will notice that it is much slower than the T25 AT and to some players slightly worse. This tank is a bit faster than the T95, but just barely, so both tanks are easy prey for artillery and fast tanks. The frontal armor is decent for its tier unless they load premium shells, unlike that of its turreted counterpart the T28 Prototype, although the lower part of the armor is flat and easily penetrated. The 120mm gun can bring down even the strongest opponents with rapid fire, good damage, and accuracy. The only things the driver needs to worry about are its side and rear armor, as they are quite thin, allowing quick movers to take you down with ease. Be patient, stay in cover, and provide support for your allies and the T28 will prepare you greatly for the monster T95.
The T28 leads to the T95.
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables
Tier | Engine | Engine Power (hp) |
Chance of Fire on Impact (%) |
Weight (kg) |
Price ( ![]()
| |
VI | Ford GAF | 670 | 20 | 569 | 25300 | |
VI | Ford GAFM2A1 | 780 | 20 | 569 | 34600 |
Tier | Suspension | Load Limit (т) |
Traverse Speed (gr/sec) |
Rmin | Weight (kg) |
Price ( ![]()
| |
VII | T28VVSS T46 | 59.8 | 20 | 0 | 12000 | 16500 | |
VIII | T28VVSS T56 | 62.45 | 24 | 0 | 12000 | 33300 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- 120mm Gun offers good Penetration, Accuracy, Aim Time and DPM
- The HD Model as of 9.21 has provided the T28 with a much more robust armour profile, comparable to a down scaled T95
- High 1500hp Health Pool is one of the highest for any tank at Tier 8 and can allow the T28 to play much closer to the front
- Frontal track profile is the same as the T95, with no actual hull hit box behind the first 2 road wheels
- Low profile of the tank over all allows it to use small dips in terrain much more effectively then taller tanks
- 22km/h top speed still makes it one of the slower tanks in the game, and hull traverse speed that is also on the slow side
- Cupolas remain a weak spot
- Gun Depression is only -5 degrees and makes ridge work difficult
- Thin roof armour is vulnerable to artillery shells
- Stock grind is much harder due to the slower speed and 105mm gun, which is inadequate for damaging most Heavies and TDs past
With the introduction of Patch 9.21 WG has released the T28 in HD, and with it a new play style that the previous model was incapable of fulfilling.
The major change that the HD Model brought was a revised armour profile that saw the frontal profile changed to something more like that of the T95, but down scaled for Tier 8. The armour characteristics of the T28 are now:
- Hull directly above the tracks,aka "Shoulders": 203mm sloped and angled @ 55 degrees for an Effective 330mm of armour.
- Lower glacis: 127mm sloped @ 57 degrees for an Effective 240mm of armour
- Mantle: 254mm of flat armour
- Gun Mantlet: 254mm of rounded armour acting as spaced armour
- Hull Side: 101.6mm of Flat armour.
Due to the revised armour profile, the only tanks that can reliably penetrate the T28 frontally are tier 9 and 10 tank destroyers, as even some tier 10 heavies will struggle with their standard AP rounds to penetrate the T28's armour. It must be stated however that the effectiveness of the T28's new armour is only at it's strongest when facing your target frontally: Any over angling on the players part will reduce the effective armour of the shoulders, allowing them to be penetrated with ease. It should also me noted that while the mantle is 254mm of armour frontally, the mantle sides are only 127mm thick.
The second major change to the T28 was the removal of hull hit box behind the tracks at the front. Previously, the ubiquitous lower glacis "chin" as it was referred to filled the hit box between the front idler gear and the rest of the hull, meaning any shot that was put into the tracks at the very front would not only track the T28 but also damage it. This made it very difficult to corner fight with the T28 effectively.
With 9.21 and the HD model however, the T28's hull has been shortened and the "chin" removed. This has allowed the tank's hit box profile to be much closer to that of the T95, in which there is no actual hull between the front idler gear and 2nd road wheel. This means that any shot placed into this area (which can be considered the first 1/4 of the track profile) will only track the T28 while not damaging it. This change to the design allows the T28 to "Corner Feint" or "Corner Juke" in city maps like the T95.
For those unfamiliar with this play style, this is when the driver of a T28/T95 hugs a corner of a building exposing just the edge of the track (usually the front idler gear only) and then proceeds to rotate the tank around the corner like that. The idea is to cause the enemy to shoot into the track in an attempt to damage the tank. All that will result however is the track blowing off and the enemy tank having wasted a shot. Combine this play style with a 100% Repair Skill, and the T28 is now a much more effective front line tank.
As in previous patches, what truly makes the T28 stand out from it's tier 8 competitors is it's 120mm gun. The 120mm gun combines good accuracy (.35 w/ full crew and equipment), penetration in both AP and APCR, and DPM (7.5 second reload w/ 3200 DPM with BiA, Vents and Rammer). This allows the T28 to put out very effective fire support that plays well both in close up engagements or in a long range fire support role. The rate of fire of the 120mm is enough when fully upgraded that is can potentially keep targets continually tracked in placed while your allies knock them out. While the 120mm may not be the best in any one area, it's focus on balance makes it one of the most effective in it's tier.
As before, however, the same considerations must be taken into account when playing the T28: Always stay close to your allies for support as a light or medium (and some heavies) can easily flank you due to your low speed and hull traverse speed. Be aware of artillery and always use hard cover for protection. Avoid open fields where enemy tanks can circle you with ease. Try and cover your LGP at all costs.
With the revised HD model in Patch 9.21, the T28 now fills it's proper place in the American case-mate TD line as an intermediate tank between the lightly armoured, fast moving support tanks at Tier 6(M36 Jackson) and Tier 7 (T25AT) and the slow moving, heavily armoured front line tanks at tier 9 (T95) and Tier 10 (T110E3).
The change to the T28 now allows the tank to fill it's intended role with ease as it can now lead the charge for your team and break through the enemy lines when top tier (as very few tanks can actually penetrate the T28's new armour) while also letting it get closer to the action when bottom tier and provide a constant stream of fire power to aid your allies, and even help push through the enemy line if needed.
Wargaming has wiped the slate clean with the T28 and it's HD model and can now truly play like a Tier 8 T95 as was always intended. Though the tank does still have weaknesses that you must be aware of, these should not hold you back or deter you from taking advantage of it's new found strengths and capabilities and using them to your and your team's full advantage to help carry the day.
Early Research
You may have the Tier X radio from other lines and the 105mm from the T25 AT, but you will need to equip the tracks to be able to mount the 120mm. Then you should research the engine, which is the same one that is in the T95.
Suggested Equipment
Historical Info
The rejected M6A2E1 project proposed that a limited number of assault vehicles be improvised by modifying the stock of T1E1 heavy tanks. However, a far more extensive program to develop a heavily armed and armored combat vehicle had been initiated in September 1943. Studies by the Ordnance Department indicated that such a vehicle would be required after the invasion of Europe to penetrate heavily fortified areas such as the German West Wall. The original concept proposed mounting the new 105mm gun T5E1 in a tank with the equivalent of 8 inch frontal armor using the electric drive system developed for the heavy tank T1E1 and the medium tank T23. The high velocity T5E1 gun had excellent penetration performance against concrete and when installed in a heavily armored chassis was expected to be extremely effective in reducing heavy fortifications. The Chief of Ordnance proposed that 25 of the new tanks be produced and estimated that they could be completed in eight to twelve months, approximately the same time that would be required to build a single pilot. Such a schedule was expected to make them available in time for operations in Europe. The Army Ground Forces did not agree and recommended that only three pilot models be constructed and that the electric drive be replaced by a mechanical transmission. After a conference with the various parties concerned, the Army Service Forces in March 1944 authorized the procurement of five vehicles, designating them as the heavy tank T28. The original specification was modified to increase the frontal armor to 12 inches raising the estimated combat weight to 95 tons.
Technical specifications
The proposed tank was a low silhouette vehicle without a turret. The 105mm gun T5E1 was to be mounted in the front of the hull with a traverse of 10 degrees to the right and left of center and an elevation range of -5 to +20 degrees.
The power package in the T28 (T95) was essentially the same as in the M26 Pershing tank, although the weight of the new vehicle was more than twice that of the latter. To handle the T28 (T95), the 500 horsepower Ford GAF engine and the torqmatic transmission required a final drive gear ratio that reduced the maximum vehicle speed to about eight miles per hour. In fact, the maximum recommended sustained speed was seven miles per hour at 2600 rpm. Due to its extreme weight and low engine power, the T28 (T95) had extremely limited obstacle-crossing ability and could not cross any of the portable bridges available at the time. The great weight of the vehicle also required considerable ingenuity in design to reduce the ground pressure to an acceptable level. This objective was achieved by the use of two sets of tracks on each side. The outer set, along with the four inch thick armor side skirts, could be removed and towed behind the vehicle when operating on a hard surface. Removing the outer tracks also reduced the overall width from 179 1/2 inches to 124 inches permitting rail transportation. At Aberdeen, an inexperienced four man crew removed the outer tracks under field conditions in four hours on their first try. An equal amount of time was required to reassemble them onto the vehicle. By the third try, the same team had reduced the time to remove or replace the outer tracks to 2 1/2 hours.
A crew of four was carried with the driver and gunner in the front hull on the left and right of the cannon respectively. The loader was at the left rear of the fighting compartment and the commander at the right rear behind the gunner. The driver and the commander were each provided with a vision cupola. A ring mount for a .50 caliber machine gun was installed around the commanders cupola. It could be used only with the commander standing in the open hatch and was the only secondary armament on the vehicle, except for the individual crew weapons. The gunner was equipped with a telescope alongside the cannon and a periscopic sight in the hull roof.
On 7 February 1945, a memorandum from the Chief of Ordnance requested that the T28 be redesignated as the 105mm gun motor carriage T95 because the cannon was not turret mounted and because of its limited secondary armament. OCM 26898, dated 8 March 1945, approved the name change and recorded the characteristics of the new vehicle. Because of the pressure of the wartime production program as well as the size and weight of the proposed vehicle, there was some difficulty in finding a facility to manufacture the five pilots. However, the Pacific Car and Foundry Company agreed to take on the project and in May 1945, (they were supplied with the basic vehicle design as well as detailed information on the gun mount and the horizontal volute spring suspension. Final design work began immediately. The first front end casting was delivered on 20 June and welding was completed on the first hull in August 1945.
Historical Gallery
Historical Accuracy Errata
The 105 mm AT Gun T5E1 is the T28's only historical gun. The other gun configurations are fake.
- Ford GAF engine is considerably more powerful than in reality, with 670 hp compared to the historical 500. The 780 hp engine configuration is fake.
- Even though the HD model of the vehicle is that of an early illustration there are no known records of an armour layout that were not either 8 or 12 inches (~203 and ~305mm respectively)
- While the T28 is capable of having its outer tracks removed, this was only done for rail transportation. The configuration with all 4 tracks (depicted in WoT as the T95) is the only one that was considered combat-worthy. With only the inner tracks, the ground pressure would be far too high for operational use.