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Bruce Fraser

Bruce Fraser

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?|bio=x+|bio=Bruce Fraser (1888-1981) was a Fleet Admiral of the Royal Navy (1948). During the first years of his career, he specialized in artillery and fire control. During World War I, he showed his mettle as a capable artillery officer. Later, he took command of a cruiser, and subsequently an aircraft carrier, before working in the Naval Ordnance Department. The outbreak of World War II saw him serve as the Third Sea Lord, responsible for procurement, as well as designing and building ships and their armament systems. In 1942, Fraser took command of the battle squadron. Just several months later, he was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet. But it was in December 1943 when he earned his true glory, after victory in the Battle of the North Cape, where he destroyed Scharnhorst. The operation was masterfully planned and executed due to Fraser's clever use of intelligence data, his composure and his ability to make the right decisions at critical moments. During the war's final stages, he commanded the British Pacific Fleet-the largest and the most powerful Royal Navy formation in naval history. A few years later, Bruce Fraser became First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff.
 }} }}

Latest revision as of 22:02, 23 June 2024

WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commander Profile  WoWsLIconWhite.png


Commander Base Trait

Make Haste


Maximum movement speed (+3%)

Commander Bio:

Bruce Fraser (1888-1981) was a Fleet Admiral of the Royal Navy (1948). During the first years of his career, he specialized in artillery and fire control. During World War I, he showed his mettle as a capable artillery officer. Later, he took command of a cruiser, and subsequently an aircraft carrier, before working in the Naval Ordnance Department. The outbreak of World War II saw him serve as the Third Sea Lord, responsible for procurement, as well as designing and building ships and their armament systems. In 1942, Fraser took command of the battle squadron. Just several months later, he was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet. But it was in December 1943 when he earned his true glory, after victory in the Battle of the North Cape, where he destroyed Scharnhorst. The operation was masterfully planned and executed due to Fraser's clever use of intelligence data, his composure and his ability to make the right decisions at critical moments. During the war's final stages, he commanded the British Pacific Fleet-the largest and the most powerful Royal Navy formation in naval history. A few years later, Bruce Fraser became First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff.


Commander Skill 1

Burn It Down XXL


Chances of HE shells and Bombs Causing fire (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2%)

Beyond Range


Cruiser main battery range (+3/+5/+8/+10%)



AP Shell and Bomb penetration multiplier (+1/+2/+3/+4%)

No-Fly Zone


Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Commander Skill 2

Before It's Too Late


Torpedo Detectability Range (+5/+8/+12/+15%)



Chances of Cruiser HE shells causing fire (+1/+2/+2.5/+3%)



Torpedo Range (+2.5/+5/+8/+10%)

Commander Skill 3



Maximum movement speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Punch Through


Cruiser's main gun AP shells damage (+3/+5/+8/+10%)

Cruiser's AP shells penetration multiplier (+2/+3/+5/+6%)

Light Fortress


Incoming damage for cruisers (-2/-4/-6/-8%)

Commander Skill 4

Steer Clear


Rudder-shift time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)

steering gear repair time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)



Cruiser main battery shell grouping (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Main Battery dispersion (-2/-3/-4/-5%)

Commander Legendary Skill

Fully Packed


Cooldown time for all consumables (0/-2/-3/-5%)

Consumable charges (+1)

Special Effect: Cooldown time for all consumables -30% Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)

Refill Station


Cruiser main battery reload time (-3/-5/-7/-10%)

Special Effect: Cruiser main battery range (+10%)

Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5)

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