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Azur Lane Zara

Azur Lane Zara

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commander Profile  WoWsLIconWhite.png


Commander Base Trait

Audacious Challenger


Cruisers main gun SAP shells damage (+5%)

Commander Bio:

Ciao. It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander. I'm heavy cruiser Zara, and I look forward to bringing victory and glory to your fleet. Zara's profile: has an eye for fashion. Very caring of her little sister, Pola. Biggest rival-Algérie of the Vichya Dominion!


Commander Skill 1

Burn It Down XXL


Chances of HE shells and Bombs Causing fire (+0.5/+1/+1.5/+2%)

Beyond Range


Cruiser main battery range (+3/+5/+8/+10%)

No-Fly Zone


Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Commander Skill 2

Before It's Too Late


Torpedo Detectability Range (+5/+8/+12/+15%)

In Arduis Intrepida


Damage from Cruiser main battery guns while firing them within 5s after reload (+2/+4/+6/+8%)

Commander Skill 3



Maximum movement speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)



Incoming damage for cruisers (-2/-3.4/-4.7/-6%)

Armaments HP (+5/+10/+15/+20%)

Armaments repair time (-5/-10/-15/-20%)



Maximum HP (+0.75/+1.5/+2.25/+3%)

Incoming damage (-1/-2/-3/-4%)

Commander Skill 4

Steer Clear


Rudder-shift time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)

steering gear repair time (-2/-4/-5/-7%)



Cruiser main battery shell grouping (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Main Battery dispersion (-2/-3/-4/-5%)

Commander Legendary Skill

Fully Packed


Cooldown time for all consumables (0/-2/-3/-5%)

Consumable charges (+1)

Special Effect: Cooldown time for all consumables -20% Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)

Refill Station


Cruiser main battery reload time (-3/-5/-7/-10%)

Special Effect: Cruiser main battery range (+10%)

Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5)

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  United States Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Japanese Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  British Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  German Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  French Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Soviet Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

WoWsLIconWhite.png  Italian Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Pan-European Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commonwealth Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png  All Commonwealth Commanders

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Pan-American Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png  All Pan-American Commanders

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

WoWsLIconWhite.png  Netherlands Commanders  WoWsLIconWhite.png

Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png  All Netherlands Commanders

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