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Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi

Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi

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?|bio=x+|bio=Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi (1910-77) was a 1st rank captain of the Italian Navy (from 1947) and one of the most valiant ship commanders of World War II. In 1930, Giuseppe graduated from the Regia Accademia Navale in Livorno and mainly served on destroyers. Between 1933 and 1934, he was with the Italian contingent in China, and from 1936, an officer for special assignments under Admiral Principe Eugenio di Savoia. When Italy joined World War II in 1940, Giuseppe went back out to sea. On May 22, 1941, destroyer Sagittario, under his command, escorted nearly 40 small ships carrying 4,000 German mountain rangers to Crete. The convoy was detected by a British squadron of four light cruisers and three destroyers, Sagittario set a smoke screen and launched a torpedo attack while under concentrated enemy fire. Cigala Fulgosi's clever maneuvers saved the convoy and his ship. Between 1941 and 1943, Giuseppe remained on the bridges of various destroyers, and was repeatedly awarded for outstanding combat efforts while protecting convoys traveling between Italy and North Africa. When Italy surrendered in September 1943, he was on destroyer Impetuoso in the Balearic Islands and scuttled her to prevent her internment. The lead ship of a series of modern Italian Navy corvettes bears the name of Cigala Fulgosi.
 }} }}

Latest revision as of 01:08, 24 June 2024

WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commander Profile  WoWsLIconWhite.png


Commander Base Trait

In the Fog


Smoke screen deployment time (+10%)

Commander Bio:

Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi (1910-77) was a 1st rank captain of the Italian Navy (from 1947) and one of the most valiant ship commanders of World War II. In 1930, Giuseppe graduated from the Regia Accademia Navale in Livorno and mainly served on destroyers. Between 1933 and 1934, he was with the Italian contingent in China, and from 1936, an officer for special assignments under Admiral Principe Eugenio di Savoia. When Italy joined World War II in 1940, Giuseppe went back out to sea. On May 22, 1941, destroyer Sagittario, under his command, escorted nearly 40 small ships carrying 4,000 German mountain rangers to Crete. The convoy was detected by a British squadron of four light cruisers and three destroyers, Sagittario set a smoke screen and launched a torpedo attack while under concentrated enemy fire. Cigala Fulgosi's clever maneuvers saved the convoy and his ship. Between 1941 and 1943, Giuseppe remained on the bridges of various destroyers, and was repeatedly awarded for outstanding combat efforts while protecting convoys traveling between Italy and North Africa. When Italy surrendered in September 1943, he was on destroyer Impetuoso in the Balearic Islands and scuttled her to prevent her internment. The lead ship of a series of modern Italian Navy corvettes bears the name of Cigala Fulgosi.


Commander Skill 1

Contact Is Imminent


Torpedo speed (+1/+2/+3/+4kts)

Quick Fix


Incoming splash damage (-2/-4/-6/-8%)

Allows for reduced mobility with a disabled engine and/or rudder

No-Fly Zone


Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Commander Skill 2

Look at Me Now


Sea Detectability Range (-2/-3/-5/-6%)

Flank Speed


Maximum Destroyer speed (+2/+4/+6/+7%)

Rudder-shift time (+3%)

Squid's Ink


Smoke screen deployment time (+15/+30/+45/+60%))

Smoke screen dispersion time (-10/-23/-36/-50%)

Commander Skill 3

Back In Stock


Torpedo launcher reload time (-2/-4/-6/-8%)

Glass Cannon


Destoryer main battery shell grouping (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Main Battery dispersion (-2/-3/-4/-5%)

Maximum HP (-5%)

Stand or Fall


Torpedo launcher and main/secondary battery reload time per 1% HP lost (-0.05/-0.1/-0.15/-0.2%)



Incoming damage to your Destoryer (-0.75/-1.5/-2.25/-3%)

Torpedo Detectability range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Shows the direction of the closest enemy ship

Commander Skill 4

Smoke on the Water


Smoke screen dispersion time (+2/+4/+6/+8%)

Smoke screen deployment time (+2/+4/+6/+8%)



Destoryer main battery range (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Incoming fire dispersion (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Rudder-shift time (+10%)

Commander Legendary Skill



Engine repair time (-2.5/-5/-10/-15%)

Allows for reduced mobility with a disable engine and/or Rudder

Special Effect: Damage control party cooldown time -50% Active when an enemy ship is within X range (3/4.5/6/7.5km)

Rather Be Torching


Chances of Destroyer HE Shells causing fire (+1/+2/+2.5/+3)

Destoryer's main gun HE shells damage (-7)

Special Effect: Destoyer Detectability time after firing main battery guns (-30%) Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5 /2/2.75/3.5km)

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