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Izayoi Nonomi

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WoWsLIconWhite.png  Commander Profile  WoWsLIconWhite.png


Commander Base Trait

Squeaky-Clean Sweep


Secondary battery reload time (-5%)

Damage against Battleships (+8%)

Commander Bio:

Izayoi Nonomi is a vibrant and warm-hearted student at Abydos High School. She's a member of the Foreclosure Task Force and often provides mental support to other task force members, making her popular among her peers. In addition to all this, she secretly comes from a wealthy family and often buys snacks for all council members. Izayoi Nonomi approaches each situation with a can-do attitude, often serving as a source of motivation for others. Even during the most intense moments, she continues to inspire and uplift those around her. © 2021 NEXON Korea Corp. & NEXON Games co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


Commander Skill 1

A Good Day's Work


Damage control party cooldown time (-2/-4/-6/-8%)



Battleship main battery reload time (-3/-6/-8/-10%)

Torpedo detectability range (+4/+8/+12/+15%)

Battleship main battery range (-3/-6/-8/-10%)

Not the One for Nuisance


Risk of catching fire (-2/-4/-6/-8%)

Risk of flooding and Torpedo damage to the citadel (-2/-4/-6/-8%)

No-Fly Zone


Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)

Commander Skill 2

Dance with Death


Torpedo launcher and main/secondary battery reload time per 1% HP lost (-0.03/-0.06/-0.09/-0.12%)

Main Battery Traverse speed per 1% HP lost (+0.01/+0.02/+0.03/+0.04°/s)



Secondary guns range (+3/+6/+9/+12%)

Secondary battery shell grouping (+5/+8/+12/+15%)

Secondary battery dispersion (-7/-12/-15/-18%)

Highly Educated Crew


Secondary guns range (+6/+9/+12/+15%)

Damage control charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)

Commander Skill 3

On Second Thought


Shell type switching time if all main battery guns are fully loaded (-15/-30/-45/-55%)

Main Battery reload time (-2/-3/-4/-5%)

Punishment Time!


Cooldown time of current Enhanced Secondary Targeting charge for every Secondary battery hit (-0.1/-0.2/-0.3/-0.4s)

Enhanced Secondary targeting charges (+1)

Commander Skill 4

Master Mechanic


Amount of HP recovered (+3/+6/+8/+10%)

Repair Party charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)

Properly Meticulous


Secondary battery reload time (-5/-8/-10/-15%)

Enhanced secondary targeting duration (+10/+20/+30/+40%)

Secondary battery dispersion (-3/-6/-9/-12%)

Secondary battery survivability (+5/+10/+15/+20%)

Commander Legendary Skill

Will to Rebuild


Amount of HP recovered (+27.5/+47/+73/+110%)

Repair Party duration (-20/-30/-40/-50%)

Special Effect: Rate of repair per second +0.3% Auto-repair when HP is equal to or less than 20% Active when an allies shop is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)

Secondary Interest


Enhanced Secondary targeting cooldown time (-15/-20/-25/-30%)

Enhanced Secondary targeting charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)

Special Effect: Secondary battery dispersion -8% Secondary battery reload time -8% Main Battery reload time -8% The effect works when Enhanced Secondary Targeting is active

Fight Fire With Fire


Fire damage to your ship for each active fire (-6/-9/-12/-15%)

Removes damage-over-time effects from your ship whenever there are 3 concurrent fires. Can only be triggered if your damage control party is on cooldown or fully depleted

All Commanders

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USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


German Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_CV_Icon.png  Aircraft Carrier

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


French Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Soviet Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_CV_Icon.png  Aircraft Carrier

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Italian Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑European Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

Legends_Destroyer_Icon.png  Destroyer

Legends_Battleship_Icon.png  Battleship

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑Asian Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

Legends_Destroyer_Icon.png  Destroyer

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Commonwealth Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Pan‑American Commanders

Legends_JoAT_Icon.png  Jack of All Trades

Legends_Battleship_Icon.png  Battleship

USA   Japan   UK   German   France   USSR   Italy   Pan‑Europe   Pan‑Asia   Commonwealth   Pan‑America   Netherlands   |   WoWS Legends


Netherlands Commanders

Legends_Cruiser_Icon.png  Cruiser