Commander Base Trait
Tactical Suppression
Battleship main battery reload time (-3.5%)
Main Battery survivability(10%)
Rudder-shift time (-3%)
Commander Bio:Takanashi Hoshino is the vice president of the Student Council and also president of the Foreclosure Task Force, and she's the only third-year student at Abydos High School. She doesn't particularly enjoy work and would rather spend her time napping or teasing other council members than doing something useful. As a result, she often ends up making the rest of the council angry with her. However, when her peers need her help, she valiantly protects them without any hesitation. Despite her lazy nature, Hoshino doesn't back down in the face of real danger. |
Not the One for Nuisance
Risk of catching fire (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Risk of flooding and Torpedo damage to the citadel (-2/-4/-6/-8%)
Flammable Cannonier
Battleship main battery range (+2/+4/+6/+8%)
Battleship main battery shell grouping (+1/+2/+3/+5%)
Risk of catching fire (+10/+10/+10/+13%)
No-Fly Zone
Your Ship's average AA Damage per second (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Your ship's AA guns firing range (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Destroyer Gun Traverse speed (+0.8/+1.6/+2.4/+3.2°/s)
Cruiser and Battleship guns Traverse speed (+0.3/+0.6/+0.9/+1.2°/s)
Dance with Death
Torpedo launcher and main/secondary battery reload time per 1% HP lost (-0.03/-0.06/-0.09/-0.12%)
Main Battery Traverse speed per 1% HP lost (+0.01/+0.02/+0.03/+0.04°/s)
On Second Thought
Shell type switching time if all main battery guns are fully loaded (-15/-30/-45/-55%)
Main Battery reload time (-2/-3/-4/-5%)
Battleship main battery reload time (-2.5/-5/-7.5/-10%)
Battleship Detectability time after firing main battery guns (-6.25/-12.5/-18.75/-25%)
Maximum HP (-2/-4/-5/-6%)
Master Mechanic
Amount of HP recovered (+3/+6/+8/+10%)
Repair Party charges (+1/+1/+2/+2)
Maximum movement speed (+2/+3/+4/+5%)
Foreclosure Task Force President
Incoming damage from shells, Torpedoes, and Bombs to your Battleship per 1% HP lost (-0.05/-0.1/-0.15/-0.2%)
Consumable cooldown per 1% HP lost (-0.05/-0.1/-0.15/-0.2%)
| Commander Legendary Skill
Will to Rebuild
Amount of HP recovered (+27.5/+47/+73/+110%)
Repair Party duration (-20/-30/-40/-50%)
Special Effect: Rate of repair per second +0.3% Auto-repair when HP is equal to or less than 20% Active when an allies shop is within X range
Running With Scissors
Battleship gun traverse speed (+0.5/+1/+1.3/+1.6°/s)
Rudder-shift time (-2/-5/-8/-10%)
Main Battery dispersion (+3%)
Special Effect: Battleship's Main gun AP shells damage +15% Battleship's Main gun SAP shells damage +15% Battleship's Main gun HE shells damage +15% Active when an enemy ship is within X range (5/6/7/8km)
Fully Packed
Cooldown time for all consumables (0/-2/-3/-5%)
Consumable charges (+1)
Special Effect: Cooldown time for all consumables -20% Active when an allied ship is within X range (1.5/2/2.75/3.5km)