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Upon reaching account level 7, a player is granted the ability to assign a commander to each ship as well as using Commander XP to level them up. Commanders can learn a variety of useful skills that enhance the performance of the ship. Sometimes these are straight buffs to the vital statistics of a ship — such as faster turret traverse speed or more hit points — while others confer entirely new abilities or tools for the player to use in combat. A highly skilled commander is among the most powerful upgrades a ship can obtain in World of Warships: Legends, working together with installed upgrades, chosen consumables, and equipped boosters to enhance the performance and capabilities of the ship.[1]

About Commanders

A commander is the personification of a ship's crew. Some crews are well-trained and trained in the specific features of the ship, and some are not so well trained. Training a crew is a long process that requires much repetition and a defined curriculum. Commander XP (CXP), earned in battle, is used to level up commanders (see the the related article for more information). Commanders have multiple levels (up to 20), a nation, a name and a portrait. Some special commanders have a special voice.

List of commanders: All Commanders

Unlocking Commanders

When unlocking commanders, it will take some time for a player to get all of them. There are 2 ways of obtaining commanders:

Commander crates will always drop a new commander until all of them have been unlocked. Once obtaining an already owned commander (either through crates or by buying it directly), that same commander will receive a Personal Commendation Legends_Personal_Commendations.png if it is not at max level, and a Universal Commendation Legends_Universal_Commendation.png if it is maxed out (more on that later).

When unlocked, a commander is automatically Level 1.

Assigning a Commander to a Ship

A commander can be both assigned to a ship and used as an inspiration on other commanders. To assign a commander to a ship, select the ship in port and click on it. A new page will appear with the list of all owned commanders from the ship's nation; select the needed commander. A filter tool is available to find a commander more quickly. A commander can be assigned to an unlimited number of ships from its nation. However, it cannot be assigned to other nations' ships.

Once the "Commanders" feature has been unlocked, a ship cannot be taken into battle unless it has a commander assigned to it.

Note that if a ship with a commander assigned to it is sold then bought back, a commander needs to be assigned back.

Free to Play Commanders by Nation
Nation Universal Destroyers Cruisers Battleships Aircraft Carriers
Legends_USA.png George Dewey William Halsey
Arleigh Burke
Albert Gleaves
Norman Scott
Thomas Kinkaid
William Sims
Willis Lee
Ernest King
Legends_Japan.png Tōgō Heihachirō Takeo Kurita
Raizō Tanaka
Isoroku Yamamoto
Gunichi Mikawa
Takeo Takagi
Nobutake Kondō
Tamon Yamaguchi
Legends_UK.png John Jellicoe Philip Vian
Reginald Tyrwhitt
Bruce Fraser
William Tennant
John Fisher
Andrew Cunningham
Charles Madden
Denis Boyd
Legends_Germany.png Reinhard Scheer Erich Bey
Maximillian von Spee
Karl von Müller
Günther Lütjens
Otto Ciliax
Franz von Hipper
Hans Geisler
Legends_France.png Louis du Fournet Philippe Auboyneau
Louis Violette
André Roux
André Lemonnier
Robert Jaujard
Émile Guépratte
Legends_USSR.png Nikolaï von Essen Vladimir Trubetskoy
Anton Gurin
Nikolay Kuznetsov
Stepan Makarov
Lev Galler
Mikhail Kedrov
Yevgeni Preobrazhensky
Legends_Italy.png Inigo Campioni Luigi Rizzo
Carlo Bergamini
Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi
Francesco Mimbelli
Luigi Sansonetti
Paolo Di Revel
Angelo Iachino
Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Conrad Helfrich Jerzy Świrski
Stig Hansson Ericson
N/A Janko Vukovich N/A
Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Ding Ruchang Deng Shichang
Sa Zhenbing
Chen Shaokuan N/A N/A
Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Special Commanders by Nation
Nation Universal Destroyers Cruisers Battleships Aircraft Carriers
Legends_USA.png N/A Bumblebee
Vincent Mordoff
Victor F. Einstein
Azur Lane Baltimore
Azur Lane Montpelier
Shelly Beapley
Justinian Lyons XIII
Optimus Prime
Azur Lane New Jersey
Azur Lane Colorado

Joseph Reeves
Takanashi Hoshino

Legends_Japan.png N/A Abraham Hellsinger
Azur Lane Yukikaze
Gunzō Chihaya
Nobusada E. Sano
Space Fishy
Azur Lane Atago
Azur Lane Azuma
Arpeggio Takao
Arpeggio Haguro
Arpeggio Nachi
Matsuji Ijūin
Okusora Ayane
Arthas R. The Cold
Arpeggio Haruna
Arpeggio Kirishima
Arpeggio Yamato
Arpeggio Musashi
Azur Lane Fusou
Azur Lane Shoukaku
Arpeggio Iona
Legends_UK.png N/A Grotmaz Smart
Ariadne M. Davis
Sunaookami Shiroko
Azur Lane Belfast
Azur Lane Neptune
Hot Rod
Azur Lane Cheshire
Azur Lane Nelson
Azur Lane Hood
Azur Lane Q. Elizabeth
Legends_Germany.png N/A Blue Furiora Azur Lane Hipper
Azur Lane Roon
Azur Lane Graf Spee
Augustin Riegerwald
Henry J. Hide
John Luke Pickup
Clara N. Teslau
Azur Lane Scharnhorst
Azur Lane Bismarck
Izayaoi Nonomi
Legends_France.png N/A Robin Le Fierce Azur Lane Saint-Louis
Kuromi Serika
Azur Lane Dunkerque
Michel Le Tir
Legends_USSR.png N/A Rumble
Sergio Splendento
Azur Lane Chapayev
Azur Lane Avrora
Ivan B. D. Lightful
Andrew the Lip
Azur Lane Sov. Rossiya N/A
Legends_Italy.png N/A N/A Soundwave
Azur Lane Zara
Azur Lane Littorio N/A
Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png N/A N/A Marisa La Loca N/A N/A
Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Leonard W. Murray N/A Harold B. Farncomb N/A N/A
Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Pedro Lima Santos N/A N/A Henrique Fernandes N/A
Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A N/A Karel Doorman N/A N/A

Commander Progression Items

Promotion Orders

Promotion orders (PO) Legends_Promotion_Orders.png are the most common of all commander progression items. They are obtainable through multiple different means. To name a few:

  • Different types of missions
  • All campaigns
  • The majority of containers

They are used to level up commanders from low to medium ranks. This is a resource that even players with less play time can have in sufficient amounts. Unfortunately for long-term players that may have more than enough of these, there is for now no way of exchanging those for something else.


Insignias Legends_Insignia.png work the same way as promotion orders, but are less frequent as rewards. They are used to level up commanders from medium to high ranks. Just like promotion orders, they are obtainable in a few different ways (including containers, campaigns and some missions).


Commendations Legends_Personal_Commendations.png are obtained when you get a commander that you already have. When it is the case, one receives a Personal Commendation Legends_Personal_Commendations.png which can only be used on the commander that was just obtained. On the other hand, when an already maxed out commander (Rank 16/Legendary 4) is obtained, the player receives a Universal Commendation Legends_Universal_Commendation.png which is usable on all commanders.


As mentioned above, a commander can be leveled up to a total level of 20. Multiple different commander progression items are needed to do this.



Each commander has 16 normal levels, which can be reached by using mainly the following resources:

  • Levels 1 to 6 → Commander XP Legends_Commander_XP.png
  • Levels 7 to 13 → Commander XP Legends_Commander_XP.png + Promotion Orders Legends_Promotion_Orders.png
  • Levels 14 to 16 → Commander XP Legends_Commander_XP.png + Insignias Legends_Insignia.png

Every time a commander is leveled up, its base trait is upgraded as well. For the skills in general, they are upgraded every 2 levels.

When one does not have enough CXP to level up a commander to a certain rank, GXP is also usable to replace the missing CXP (at a rate of 1:1). A window pops up when it is the case; to make sure GXP is not spent by mistake.


Personal Commendation

Each commander has 4 legendary ranks, which can be reached by using Personal Legends_Personal_Commendations.png and/or Universal Legends_Universal_Commendation.png Commendations:

  • Legendary 1 → 1 Commendation
  • Legendary 2 → 3 Commendations
  • Legendary 3 → 7 Commendations
  • Legendary 4 → 15 Commendations
  • Total → 26

CXP is not used when leveling up a commander to a Legendary rank. Commendations are the only resources needed for this.

Legendary ranks allow the use of special Legendary skills which provide significant bonuses in battle. Most of these skills grant an additional bonus when activating (more on that below).

Legendary Skills

A commander's legendary skills are unlocked and usable when leveling it up to the Legendary status. These skills are, most of the time, extremely useful and even provide a certain advantage in battle once they activate. Legendary skills are just like normal skills, but rather special with better bonuses. Not all Legendary Skills have special effects. Some are closer to normal skills, although they indeed are more efficient.


Skills with Special Effects



Available on all universal and destroyer commanders, Unstoppable allows a reduced mobility even while the engine and/or rudder are disabled. It can be considered as the most useful Legendary Skill a destroyer captain can have.


Fully Packed:

A very popular skill available on most universal and cruiser commanders, not only does Fully Packed reduce the consumables' reload time, but it has an extremely useful special effect that can make all the difference: it drastically reduces all consumables' reload time by 30% when close to an allied ship.

Skills without Special Effects


Fight Fire with Fire:

Available on the vast majority of battleship commanders, this skill is one of the few that doesn't get a special effect. Despite this change, it is a very useful skill as it prevents a ship from taking too much damage from fires; it reduces the damage taken by fires and automatically extinguishes all fires and floods when 3 fires are simultaneously burning on the ship.


Inspiration slots, on the left in the commander's page

Inspirations are another tool a player can have. It allows other commanders' base traits to be applied to the current commander skillset. Each commander has a limit of 2 inspirations that can be assigned to them. A commander leveled up to Rank 6 does not get access to inspirations slots:

  • First inspiration slot
  • Unlocked at rank 7
  • Second inspiration slot
  • Unlocked at rank 11

All owned commanders (from any nation, type and rank) can be used as inspirations on an unlimited number of other commanders. One needs to know that an inspiration will not be taken into account for the first 7 battles played with that inspiration on the commander. However, it is possible to bypass these 7 games by using 21 000 Commander XP Legends_Commander_XP.png which will immediatly take the inspiration into account.

For a commander to have a noticeable impact on a ship's performance, it is recommended to level it up to Rank 12/Legendary 2 or more.
Below this level, depending on commanders, they do have an impact, but it is not a very important one.

A commander's skillset and inspirations cannot be locked on ships individually. When assigning a commander to a ship, make sure to have the correct skillset before entering battle.


Commander guises are some type of "skin" players can put on top of already existing commanders. Guises provide different cosmetic effects such as colored shell tracers, fireworks when a Legendary skill's special effect activates, and more. They are obtainable through multiple different means:

  • By completing calendars
  • Purchasing some in the in-game store with event currencies
  • ...and more

Guises are only cosmetics. They do not provide any advantage during battle.

Note that guises applied to normal commanders (Halloween (and such) commanders included) will appear as normal, but can be toggled to be hidden. All collaboration commanders such as Azur Lane, Arpeggio and others will automatically toggle the hide guises applied to them.

Fireworks and shell tracers' colors depend on each guise. Most guises come with a unique voiceover, which can be pre-heard before applying the guise to a commander.

Certain Guises also carry a bonus when a certain requirement is fulfilled. These bonuses give out in game rescources such as Ship XP, Global XP, etc. per day.

List of Commander Guises
Guise Name Color Nation(s) Voiceover Collaboration
Miss Santa Red Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png N/A
Snow Maiden Blue Legends_USSR.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png N/A
Brady McMordoff Green Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png N/A
Racer Fishy Yellow Legends_Japan.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png N/A
Bad Advice Cap Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png N/A
Greg the Garlic Farmer Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.pngLegends_Netherlands_Flag.png Viva La Dirt League
High Sorcerer Baradun Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.pngLegends_Netherlands_Flag.png Viva La Dirt League
Alice Thompson Golden Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.pngLegends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Bodger the Blacksmith Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.pngLegends_Netherlands_Flag.png Viva La Dirt League
Daniel F. Brassfender Maroon Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A
Joanna W. Dew Maroon Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A
Tony P. Westriver Maroon Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A
Scrooge Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Santa Claus Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Celestial Guardian Blue Legends_Japan.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png N/A
Cara McMordoff Green Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png N/A
Ominous Rider Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Anthony Darby Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Ella Rossi Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Ashikaga Teru Golden Legends_Japan.png N/A
Popeye The Sailor Man Green Legends_USA.png Popeye
Bluto The Terrible Green Legends_USA.png Popeye
Lady Liberty Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_France.png N/A
Dave Mustaine Purple Legends_USA.png Megadeth
Vic Rattlehead Green Legends_USA.png Megadeth
Monna Hoshnova Blue Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png hololive
Takanashi Kiara Blue Legends_Germany.png hololive
Shishiro Botan Blue Legends_Japan.png hololive
Watson Amelia Blue Legends_USA.png hololive
Queen of the Deep Green Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Lady of the Cold Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
King of Winter Turquoise Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A
Nadeshot Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Creatorverse
CouRage Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Creatorverse
StoneBeard Purple Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Creatorverse
Sapnap Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Creatorverse
MoistCr1TiKaL Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Creatorverse
Basil Pinepickle Gold Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png N/A
Elke Stahl Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Hiss Laessar Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Vohlda O Violet Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
High Admiral Malachar Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Cassia Marcella Hasta Red Legends_Italy.png N/A
Masaru Tadamatsu Blue Legends_Japan.png N/A
Athena Promachos Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Poseidon Earthshaker Mint Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Zeus Olympian Mint Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Vasilisa Rasputina Green Legends_USA.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png N/A
Amon Sitri Red Legends_Japan.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png N/A
Bjorn Stormbreaker Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png N/A
Nierdanel Nadar Yellow Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png N/A
Angela Lutti Red Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Alexander R.-G. Yellow Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A
Ultima Starlight Blue Legends_USA.png Legends_Japan.png Legends_UK.png Legends_Germany.png Legends_France.png Legends_USSR.png Legends_Italy.png Legends_Pan_European_Flag.png Legends_Pan_Asian_Flag.png Legends_Commonwealth_Flag.png Legends_Pan_American_Flag.png Legends_Netherlands_Flag.png N/A


  1. Based on World of Warships PC's Wiki Page: Commanders