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Lambros Katsonis

Lambros Katsonis

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Lambros Katsonis
Destroyer | Europe | Tier IX
Tech Tree Position
Research price165000 exp
Purchase price13,000,000 Credits
Hit Points17,300 
Main Battery
140 mm/50 BL Mk.I on a PI* mount6 х 1 pcs.
Rate of Fire15.79 shots/min.
Reload Time3.8 sec.
Rotation Speed10 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time18 sec.
Firing Range10.45 km.
Maximum Dispersion93 m.
HE Shell140 mm HE Mk ID 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2,000 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell10 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity840 m./s.
HE Shell Weight39.9 kg.
Torpedo Tubes
533 mm QR Mk IV2 х 4 pcs.
Rate of Fire0.88 shots/min.
Reload Time68 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
TorpedoTorped M1947 mod 0 
Maximum Damage10,700 
Torpedo Speed80 knot
Torpedo Rangekm.
AA Defense
76.2 mm/50 Mk.22 on a Mk.34 mount4 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second58.8 
. . . Firing Range3.99 km.
20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.4 mount6 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second21.6 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
Maximum Speed38 knot
Turning Circle Radius720 m.
Rudder Shift Time6.4 sec.
Surface Detectability Range8.88 km.
Air Detectability Range4.34 km.
Battle Levels

Lambros Katsonis — European Tier IX destroyer.

In the late 1920s, there was a dispute among the leaders of the Greek Navy about whether to invest in building more conventional ships or build fewer but stronger ones. In 1929, as Turkey purchased four destroyers from Italy, the first approach prevailed, and Greece ultimately ordered four destroyers to be built with simplified technology, also in Italy. An alternative solution could be the other approach, which envisaged ordering a pair of large ships with 140 mm guns. The most suitable was one of the pre-designs of a fleet cruiser that the British Admiralty was considering at that time. Namely, the E-class cruiser armed with six 140 mm guns. Lambros Katsonis was named after the leader of the national liberation struggle of the Greek people.

Lambros Katsonis was first released for sale on DD MMM YYYY.


Main Battery Guns Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
140 mm/50 BL Mk.I on a PI* mount15.818932,00010 01,300,000
Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Lambros Katsonis (A)17,300132066/42 01,950,000
Lambros Katsonis (B)20,300132062/22 45,0003,000,000
Torpedoes Rate of Fire
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
180° Turn Time
Maximum Damage
Torpedo Speed
Torpedo Range
Research price
Purchase price
Mk140.9687.210,700809 01,300,000
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
SUO Mk 9 Mod. 10 01,300,000
SUO Mk 9 Mod. 20 30,0002,000,000
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 76,000 hp38 01,300,000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Main Armaments Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Magazine Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Engine Boost Modification 1
Surveillance Radar Modification 1
Engine Room Protection
 Slot 3 
Main Battery Modification 2
AA Guns Modification 1
Aiming Systems Modification 1
Smoke Generator Modification 1
Torpedo Tubes Modification 1
 Slot 4 
Damage Control System Modification 2
Propulsion Modification 1
Steering Gears Modification 1
Depth Charges Modification 1
 Slot 5 
Torpedo Lookout System
Concealment System Modification 1
Steering Gears Modification 2
Ship Consumables Modification 1
 Slot 6 
Main Battery Modification 3
Torpedo Tubes Modification 2
Gun Fire Control System Modification 2
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 2

Player Opinion


Warning: The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
Refer to the in-game Port screens for more useful data.




      Researchable upgrades for Lambros Katsonis:

      1. Hull: Upgrade to Hull (B) for improved survivability, maneuverability and AA. Research of this module unlocks progression to Gdańsk.
      2. Gun Fire Control System: Upgrade to SUO Mk 9 Mod. 2 for an extra 10% range on the main battery.

      Optimal Configuration


      The recommended upgrades are:

      • Slot 1:
      • Slot 2:
      • Slot 3:
      • Slot 4:
      • Slot 5:
      • Slot 6:

      Commander Skills


      Lambros Katsonis equips the following consumables:


      Note: Use of the Juliet Charlie signal makes detonation impossible.


      Historical Info

      Historical Gallery


      Ship Change Log

      See here for links to Update notes.

      • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update 12.2.

      Testing Changes

      • DevBlog 417:
        • Preliminary characteristics.
      • DevBlog 422:
        • Smoke screen dispersion time reduced from 97 to 93 s.
        • Fixed incorrect progression of ASW armament parameters:
          • Depth charge damage reduced from 2,800 to 2,400
      • DevBlog 429:
        • AP shells have been removed.
      • DevBlog 433:
        • Torpedo range increased from 7.5 to 9 km.
      • DevBlog 441:
        • Detectability range by sea reduced from 9.5 to 8.9 km.
          • Detectability range after firing main battery guns in smoke reduced from 4.1 to 3.8 km.
          • Detectability range by air increased from 3.8 to 4.3 km.
        • Torpedo reload time reduced from 75 to 68 s.
      • Update 12.4:
        • Available in early access, as 1 of 64 random bundles in the Armory for 1,000 doubloons each.
        • The Golden Age permanent camouflage was added.
      • Introduced into the game as a researchable ship in Update 12.6.
      • Update 12.8:
        • Fixed the Commander skill recommendation for the ship.
      • Update 13.1:
        • Main battery reload time reduced from 4.4 to 3.8 s.
      • Update 13.3:
        • Depth Charge damage increased from 2,400 to 2,500.

      Ships of Europe
      Destroyers  II Tátra • III Romulus • IV Klas Horn • V Visby • V Muavenet • VI Västerås • VI Stord • VII Skåne • VII Grom • VII BłyskawicaDoubloons • VII Stord '43Doubloons • VIII Öland • VIII Split • VIII OrkanDoubloons • IX Östergötland • IX Lambros Katsonis • IX VelosDoubloons • IX FrieslandDoubloons • IX JägerDoubloons • X Halland • X Gdańsk • X SmålandDoubloons • X RagnarDoubloons • X Södermanland •  Dalarna 
      Cruisers  I Gryf • VI ElliDoubloons • X Svea 
      Battleships  V Viribus UnitisDoubloons • IX Karl XIV JohanDoubloons 
      Aircraft Carriers
      Netherlands  IX GroningenDoubloons • X TrompDoubloons 
      U.S.A.  II Sampson • II SmithDoubloons • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDoubloons • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDoubloons • VII Mahan • VII SimsDoubloons • VII Sims BDoubloons • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDoubloons • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDoubloons • IX HalfordDoubloons • IX Black BDoubloons • IX BlackDoubloons • IX JohnstonDoubloons • IX Frank Friday • X Gearing • X SomersDoubloons • X Forrest ShermanDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Gearing]|[Gearing]]] •  Joshua Humphreys 
      Europe  II Tátra • III Romulus • IV Klas Horn • V Visby • V Muavenet • VI Västerås • VI Stord • VII Skåne • VII Grom • VII BłyskawicaDoubloons • VII Stord '43Doubloons • VIII Öland • VIII Split • VIII OrkanDoubloons • IX Östergötland • IX Lambros Katsonis • IX VelosDoubloons • IX FrieslandDoubloons • IX JägerDoubloons • X Halland • X Gdańsk • X SmålandDoubloons • X RagnarDoubloons • X Södermanland •  Dalarna 
      Germany  II V-25 • III G-101 • IV V-170 • V T-22 • VI Ernst Gaede • VI T-61Doubloons • VI Karl von SchönbergDoubloons • VII Leberecht Maass • VII Z-31 • VII Z-39Doubloons • VII Z-32Doubloons • VII Z-33Doubloons • VII Z-34Doubloons • VII Z-38Doubloons • VIII Z-23 • VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker • VIII Z-35Doubloons • IX Z-46 • IX Felix Schultz • IX Z-44Doubloons • IX ZF-6Doubloons • X Z-52 • X Elbing • X Z-42Doubloons • X Georg Hoffmann • X Lübeck 
      U.S.S.R.  II Storozhevoi • III Derzki • IV Izyaslav • V GremyashchyDoubloons • V [[Ship:Gnevny (< 06.03.2017)|Gnevny (< 06.03.2017)]] • V Podvoisky • V OkhotnikDoubloons • VI [[Ship:Ognevoi (< 06.03.2017)|Ognevoi (< 06.03.2017)]] • VI Gnevny • VII [[Ship:Kiev (< 06.03.2017)|Kiev (< 06.03.2017)]] • VII Minsk • VII LeningradDoubloons • VII Tashkent '39Doubloons • VIII [[Ship:Tashkent (< 06.03.2017)|Tashkent (< 06.03.2017)]] • VIII Ognevoi • VIII Kiev • IX Udaloi • IX Tashkent • IX NeustrashimyDoubloons • X KhabarovskDoubloons • X Grozovoi • X Delny • X [[Ship:[Grozovoi]|[Grozovoi]]] •  Zorkiy 
      Italy  II Curtatone • III Nazario Sauro • IV Turbine • V Maestrale • VI Aviere • VI LeoneDoubloons • VII Luca Tarigo • VII FR25Doubloons • VIII Vittorio Cuniberti • IX Adriatico • IX Paolo EmilioDoubloons • X Attilio Regolo 
      Pan-America  VI JuruáDoubloons • X La Pampa 
      Japan  II TachibanaDoubloons • II Umikaze • II Tachibana LimaDoubloons • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V FūjinDoubloons • V KamikazeDoubloons • V Kamikaze RDoubloons • V Mutsuki • VI [[Ship:Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)|Mutsuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome BDoubloons • VI ShinonomeDoubloons • VII [[Ship:Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)|Hatsuharu (< 01.12.2016)]] • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII YūdachiDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)|Fubuki (< 01.12.2016)]] • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII AsashioDoubloons • VIII HSF Harekaze IIDoubloons • VIII Asashio BDoubloons • VIII HSF HarekazeDoubloons • VIII AL YukikazeDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)|Kagerō (< 01.12.2016)]] • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • IX MinegumoDoubloons • IX STAR KitakazeDoubloons • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X HayateDoubloons • X AL Shimakaze • X [[Ship:[Shimakaze]|[Shimakaze]]] •  Yamagiri 
      U.K.  II Medea • III Valkyrie • III CampbeltownDoubloons • IV Wakeful • V Acasta • VI Icarus • VI GallantDoubloons • VII Jervis • VII Jupiter '42Doubloons • VIII Lightning • VIII CossackDoubloons • VIII Cossack BDoubloons • IX Jutland • IX SommeDoubloons • X Daring • X DruidDoubloons 
      France  II Enseigne Gabolde • III Fusilier • IV Bourrasque • V L'Adroit • V Jaguar • V SirocoDoubloons • VI Duchaffault • VI Guépard • VI AigleDoubloons • VII Le Hardi • VII Vauquelin • VIII L'Aventurier • VIII Le Fantasque • VIII Le TerribleDoubloons • IX Orage • IX Mogador • X Cassard • X Kléber • X MarceauDoubloons • X Kléber CLR 
      Pan-Asia  II Longjiang • III Phra Ruang • IV Shenyang • V Jianwei • VI Fushun • VI AnshanDoubloons • VII Gadjah Mada • VIII Hsienyang • VIII SiliwangiDoubloons • VIII LoyangDoubloons • VIII FenyangDoubloons • VIII Loyang BDoubloons • VIII Zhu QueDoubloons • VIII Ship SmashaDoubloons • IX Chung Mu • X Yueyang • X Lüshun •  Kunming 
      Spain  X Álvaro de BazánDoubloons 
      Commonwealth  III VampireDoubloons • VII HaidaDoubloons • VII HuronDoubloons • X Vampire IIDoubloons