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Cristoforo Colombo

Cristoforo Colombo

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Cristoforo Colombo
Battleship | Italy | Tier X
Tech Tree Position
Research price255000 exp
Purchase price20,700,000 Credits
Hit Points89,900 
Main Battery
381 mm/50 Model 1934 in a turret4 х 4 pcs.
Rate of Fire1.62 shots/min.
Reload Time37 sec.
Rotation Speed4.7 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time38.3 sec.
Firing Range18.91 km.
Maximum Dispersion251 m.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
AP Shell381 mm proiettili AP 
Maximum AP Shell Damage12,000 
Initial AP Shell Velocity850 m./s.
AP Shell Weight884.8 kg.
Maximum SAP Shell Damage12,500 
Initial SAP Shell Velocity880 m./s.
Secondary Armament #1
90 mm/50 Model 1939 on a twin mount12 х 2 pcs.
Firing Range7.3 km.
Rate of Fire15 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell90 mm proiettili HE 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1,300 
Initial HE Shell Velocity860 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Secondary Armament #2
152 mm/55 Model 1936 on a Model 1936 mount6 х 3 pcs.
Firing Range7.3 km.
Rate of Fire7.5 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell152 mm proiettili HE 
Maximum HE Shell Damage2,100 
Initial HE Shell Velocity950 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
AA Defense
90 mm/50 Model 1939 on a twin mount12 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second162 
. . . Firing Range3.99 km.
20 mm/70 Scotti Model 1941 on a sextuple mount20 х 6 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second124 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
37 mm/54 Model 1938 on a Model 1938 mount8 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second92.8 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
37 mm/54 Breda Model 1939 on a quadruple mount8 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second152.8 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
Maximum Speed29.6 knot
Turning Circle Radius960 m.
Rudder Shift Time15.3 sec.
Surface Detectability Range17.34 km.
Air Detectability Range15.16 km.
Battle Levels

Cristoforo Colombo — Italian Tier X battleship.

A hypothetical project that is a variant of the development of Italian ships based on the Vittorio Veneto class and a battleship project for the U.S.S.R. with a displacement of 42,000 tons. The increase in firepower could have been achieved by increasing the number of guns and turrets: quadruple-gun turrets with 381 mm guns were in development in the late 1910s and early 1920s.


Main Battery Guns Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
381 mm/50 Model 1934 in a turret1.638.325112,000 02,000,000
Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Cristoforo Colombo89,90019406412/620/8/8/12 03,000,000
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
SDT 10 mod.10 02,000,000
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 160,000 hp29.6 02,000,000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Main Armaments Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Magazine Modification 1
Spotting Aircraft Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Engine Room Protection
 Slot 3 
Main Battery Modification 2
Secondary Battery Modification 1
AA Guns Modification 1
Aiming Systems Modification 1
Smoke Generator Modification 1
 Slot 4 
Damage Control System Modification 2
Propulsion Modification 1
Steering Gears Modification 1
Airstrike Modification 1
 Slot 5 
Torpedo Lookout System
Concealment System Modification 1
Ship Consumables Modification 1
 Slot 6 
Main Battery Modification 3
Gun Fire Control System Modification 2
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 2

Player Opinion


Warning: The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
Refer to the in-game Port screens for more useful data.

As the Tier X battleship, Cristoforo Colombo is the culmination of the Italian battleship line. Similar to Montana, Cristoforo Colombo gains an extra turret over her Tier IX predecessor, Lepanto. As a result, her main strength lies in her sixteen (16) 15-inch main battery guns. However, she has an extremely low base range for a Tier X battleship at 18.91 kilometers - nearly two kilometers shorter than Grosser Kurfurst 20.6 kilometer range. Therefore, she excels at punishing broadside targets at close to medium range, but lacks the ability to trade at range with her peers. Overall, captains will find Cristoforo Colombo’s adept playstyle to be incredibly unique.

Cristoforo Colombo’s defining characteristic is her extensive main battery suite. With sixteen (16) 15-inch main battery guns, Cristoforo Colombo currently holds the title to the highest broadside weight in the game, marginally beating out Vermont’s twelve (12) 18-inch main gun battery. Like her predecessors, she has unique access to semi-armor piercing shells in place of high explosive. As a tradeoff, her standard armor-piercing ammunition has very low penetration in comparison to her peers. Despite this, her armor-piercing shells are more than enough to deal significant damage to broadside cruisers and deal substantial damage to battleships and destroyers alike due to the sheer volume of fire. In addition, she has a -30% shell swapping bonus built into her, like the rest of the line.

However, Cristoforo Colombo’s main battery falls short in its ability to overmatch more than 26mm of armor with AP shells, being only 15 inches in diameter. As a result, Cristoforo Colombo encounters situations where she is unable to deal significant damage with AP to some Tier X cruisers when angled properly. However, this downside is partially alleviated due to the fact that Cristoforo Colombo has access to SAP, allowing her to still reliably deal damage to all Tier X cruisers unless they are perfectly angled. Additionally, her guns are relatively imprecise; the main battery has the standard battleship dispersion formula and only 1.5 sigma.

At a max speed of 29.6 knots and a base rudder shift time of 18 seconds, Cristoforo Colombo’s maneuverability is about average for a Tier X battleship. However, she also gains access to the special Exhaust Smoke GeneratorGenerates a smoke screen that allows the ship to remain undetected at full speed. consumable, allowing her to create smoke cover that can keep pace with her even at max speed for a base duration of 45 seconds. As a result, Cristoforo Colombo is able to turn out from imminent danger so long as captains are careful not to fire her main battery, as she is detected from 16.7 kilometers while firing in smoke. In addition, despite having only 89,900 hit points, Cristoforo Colombo can shrug off much damage owing to a fantastic armor scheme. With a 70mm upper belt and fully submerged citadel compartment, she is incredibly difficult to punish even when broadside and mitigates a significant amount of incoming damage when properly angled to the enemy.

As a whole, Cristoforo Colombo captains will find her flexible gameplay very enjoyable. Playing optimally, captains will have to switch between SAP and AP to whittle down targets with SAP and punish broadside cruisers and battleships with AP. Overall, the ship is very forgiving due to its excellent armor scheme and access to Exhaust Smoke GeneratorGenerates a smoke screen that allows the ship to remain undetected at full speed..


  • Largest number of main guns of all Tier 10 battleships, with sixteen (16) rifles
  • Currently the heaviest AP broadside in the game, slightly heavier than Vermont's
  • SAP shells can be extremely effective against angled and/or lightly armored targets
  • Built-in -30% shell swap time.
  • Good main battery firing arcs
  • Both aft turrets can turn 360 degrees
  • Both SAP and AP shells have very good shell velocity and low air drag
  • Good midsection external armor, useful to counter HE shells
  • Fairly powerful AA defenses
  • Access to the Exhaust Smoke GeneratorGenerates a smoke screen that allows the ship to remain undetected at full speed. consumable
  • Fairly good ship speed of 29.6 knots


  • Third smallest hitpoint pool among Tier 10 battleships
  • Main guns have no access to HE shells
  • Second worst reload speed in its tier/class, only Vermont's is longer
  • Very poor accuracy, comparable to Tier 7 French battleship Lyon
  • Small gun caliber, AP shells cannot overmatch 27mm armor
  • Shortest main battery range of all Tier 10 battleships
  • Virtually useless turtleback, can be overmatched by all AP shells of 380mm and larger calibers
  • Enormous target with poor concealment
  • AA defenses are short-ranged, making them rather ineffective at preventing plane strikes
  • Most secondary mounts are 90mm and lack penetration (even with IFHE)
  • Very large turn radius and fairly slow rudder shift


As a Tier X ship, Cristoforo Colombo has no module upgrades to research.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Cristoforo Colombo are as follows:

Commander Skills


Cristoforo Colombo can equip the following consumables:



Historical Gallery


Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update 0.9.10.

Testing Changes

  • DevBlog 81:
    • Preliminary characteristics.
  • DevBlog 85:
    • Detectability range by ships was increased from 16.38 to 17.88 km.
  • DevBlog 87:
    • Forward firing angles for both of the aft turrets reduced by 10 degrees (from 22 to 32 degrees).
    • Sigma parameter reduced from 1.6 to 1.5.
    • Deck armor reduced from 55 to 50 mm.
  • DevBlog 91:
    • Secondary battery accuracy decreased to standard battleship values.
  • DevBlog 96:
    • SAP shell damage decreased from 14,050 to 12,500.
  • DevBlog 99:
    • Action time of the Damage Control Party consumable increased from 10 to 15 s.
  • DevBlog 103:
    • Main armor belt thickness decreased from 400 to 375 mm.
    • Citadel roof armor thickness decreased from 40 to 25 mm.
    • Citadel upper angled armor decreased from 40 to 25 mm.
    • Citadel torpedo bulkhead armor thickness decreased from 70 to 50 mm.
  • DevBlog 113:
    • Main battery 180 degree turn time increased from 30 to 40 s.
  • DevBlog 125:
    • View range increased from 26.4 km to 29.4 km.
  • Introduced into the game as a researchable ship in Update 0.10.3:
  • Update 0.10.5:
    • Main battery reload time decreased from 38 to 37 s.
    • Main battery 180-degree turret traverse time decreased from 40 to 38.2 s.
  • Update 0.11.5:
    • The names of the anti-aircraft armaments were changed:
      • 20 mm/70 Breda Model 1941 was changed to 20 mm/70 Scotti Model 1941.
      • 37 mm/54 Model 1939 was changed to 37 mm/54 Breda Model 1939.
  • Update 0.11.8:
    • Added a separate 30% bonus to the shell-type switching time, applied even when the Gun Feeder skill is inactive.
  • Update 12.5:
    • The Smoke Generator Modification 1 upgrade can now be mounted in slot 3.
  • Update 12.8:
    • Fixed textures for the ship.
  • Update 12.11:
    • Fixed an issue that caused the armor of the ship not to correspond to the set parameters: deck slope armor thickness – 25 mm; citadel armored deck slope armor thickness – 25 mm.
  • Update 13.1:
    • Sigma value increased from 1.5 to 1.6.
    • Firing angles for the aft turrets increased by 10 degrees.
    • Rudder shift time reduced from 18s to 15.3 s.

Ships of Italy
Destroyers  II Curtatone • III Nazario Sauro • IV Turbine • V Maestrale • VI Aviere • VI LeoneDoubloons • VII Luca Tarigo • VII FR25Doubloons • VIII Vittorio Cuniberti • IX Adriatico • IX Paolo EmilioDoubloons • X Attilio Regolo 
Cruisers  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDoubloons • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDoubloons • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDoubloons • VII Francesco FerruccioDoubloons • VII GoriziaDoubloons • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • IX MichelangeloDoubloons • X Venezia • X NapoliDoubloons • X Napoli BDoubloons • X Ravenna •  Piemonte 
Battleships  IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio CesareDoubloons • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII RomaDoubloons • VIII AL LittorioDoubloons • IX Lepanto • IX Marco PoloDoubloons • IX Giuseppe VerdiDoubloons • X Cristoforo Colombo • X Ruggiero di LauriaDoubloons • X SiciliaDoubloons • X Amerigo Vespucci 
Aircraft Carriers  VIII AquilaDoubloons
U.S.A.  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDoubloons • V New York • V OklahomaDoubloons • V TexasDoubloons • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDoubloons • VI W. Virginia '41Doubloons • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDoubloons • VII West Virginia '44Doubloons • VII CaliforniaDoubloons • VII Colorado 2 • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDoubloons • VIII MassachusettsDoubloons • VIII Alabama VLDoubloons • VIII ConstellationDoubloons • VIII Massachusetts BDoubloons • VIII Alabama STDoubloons • VIII TennesseeDoubloons • VIII North Carolina CLRDoubloons • VIII Volunteer State • VIII North Carolina 2 • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX MissouriDoubloons • IX KearsargeDoubloons • IX IllinoisDoubloons • IX Kearsarge BDoubloons • IX GeorgiaDoubloons • IX Iowa 2 • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X OhioDoubloons • X Rhode IslandDoubloons • X WisconsinDoubloons • X BA MontanaDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Montana]|[Montana]]] • X Montana 2 • X Utah •  Maine 
Europe  V Viribus UnitisDoubloons • VII Lugdunum • IX Karl XIV JohanDoubloons • IX Niord 
Germany  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König AlbertDoubloons • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel FriedrichDoubloons • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII ScharnhorstDoubloons • VII AL Prinz HeinrichDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst BDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst '43Doubloons • VIII TirpitzDoubloons • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII OdinDoubloons • VIII BrandenburgDoubloons • VIII AnhaltDoubloons • VIII Brandenburg BDoubloons • VIII Tirpitz BDoubloons • VIII BA TirpitzDoubloons • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX PommernDoubloons • IX Pommern BDoubloons • IX Prinz Sigismund • X Grosser KurfürstDoubloons • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X MecklenburgDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Grosser Kurfürst]|[Grosser Kurfürst]]] •  Hannover 
U.S.S.R.  III Knyaz Suvorov • IV Imperator Nikolai IDoubloons • IV Gangut • V Pyotr Velikiy • V Oktyabrskaya RevolutsiyaDoubloons • VI Izmail • VI NovorossiyskDoubloons • VII Sinop • VII PoltavaDoubloons • VIII Vladivostok • VIII LeninDoubloons • VIII BorodinoDoubloons • VIII V. I. Lenin • IX Sovetsky Soyuz • IX NavarinDoubloons • IX AL Sov. RossiyaDoubloons • X Kremlin • X SlavaDoubloons •  Admiral Ushakov 
Italy  IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio CesareDoubloons • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII RomaDoubloons • VIII AL LittorioDoubloons • IX Lepanto • IX Marco PoloDoubloons • IX Giuseppe VerdiDoubloons • X Cristoforo Colombo • X Ruggiero di LauriaDoubloons • X SiciliaDoubloons • X Amerigo Vespucci 
Pan-America  V Rio de JaneiroDoubloons • VIII Ipiranga • VIII AtlânticoDoubloons • IX Los Andes • X Libertad • X Comodoro 
Japan  II MikasaDoubloons • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDoubloons • V Kongō • V ARP KongōDoubloons • V ARP KirishimaDoubloons • V ARP HarunaDoubloons • V ARP HieiDoubloons • V HSF HieiDoubloons • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDoubloons • VI IseDoubloons • VI Ise 2 • VI Ise 3 • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDoubloons • VII HyūgaDoubloons • VIII Amagi • VIII Yumihari • VIII KiiDoubloons • VIII Ignis PurgatioDoubloons • VIII RagnarokDoubloons • IX Izumo • IX Adatara • IX MusashiDoubloons • IX HizenDoubloons • IX IwamiDoubloons • IX DaisenDoubloons • IX TsurugiDoubloons • IX Iwami BDoubloons • X Yamato • X Bungo • X ShikishimaDoubloons • X ARP YamatoDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Yamato]|[Yamato]]] •  Satsuma 
U.K.  III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III DreadnoughtDoubloons • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V AgincourtDoubloons • VI WarspiteDoubloons • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI RepulseDoubloons • VI Repulse BDoubloons • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII HoodDoubloons • VII NelsonDoubloons • VII Duke of YorkDoubloons • VII CollingwoodDoubloons • VII Renown '44Doubloons • VII RodneyDoubloons • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII VanguardDoubloons • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX MarlboroughDoubloons • IX Scarlet ThunderDoubloons • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X ThundererDoubloons • X IncomparableDoubloons • X Cumberland • X [[Ship:[Conqueror]|[Conqueror]]] •  Devastation 
France  III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI DunkerqueDoubloons • VI Dunkerque BDoubloons • VII Lyon • VII StrasbourgDoubloons • VIII Richelieu • VIII GascogneDoubloons • VIII ChampagneDoubloons • VIII FlandreDoubloons • VIII PicardieDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:[Richelieu]|[Richelieu]]]Doubloons • IX Alsace • IX Jean BartDoubloons • IX Jean Bart BDoubloons • X République • X BourgogneDoubloons •  Patrie 
Pan-Asia  VII Teng She • IX BajieDoubloons • IX WujingDoubloons • IX Sun Yat-SenDoubloons • IX LouchuanDoubloons • IX Xuan WuDoubloons 
Spain  IX VictoriaDoubloons 
Commonwealth  VII YukonDoubloons