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Cruiser | Germany | Tier IX
Tech Tree Position
Purchase priceSpecial Doubloons
Hit Points62,850 
Main Battery
380 mm/52 SK C/34 on a Drh LC/34 mount3 х 2 pcs.
Rate of Fire2.31 shots/min.
Reload Time26 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time36 sec.
Firing Range20.64 km.
Maximum Dispersion175 m.
HE Shell380 mm Spr.Gr. L/4.6 
Maximum HE Shell Damage4,400 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell34 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity820 m./s.
HE Shell Weight800 kg.
AP Shell380 mm P.Spr.Gr. L/4.4 
Maximum AP Shell Damage11,600 
Initial AP Shell Velocity820 m./s.
AP Shell Weight800 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
128 mm/61 KM40 in a turret7 х 2 pcs.
Firing Range7.95 km.
Rate of Fire16.67 shots/min.
Reload Time3.6 sec.
HE Shell128 mm Spr.Gr. Kz. 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1,500 
Initial HE Shell Velocity900 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell%
Torpedo Tubes
533 mm Vierling2 х 4 pcs.
Rate of Fire0.67 shots/min.
Reload Time90 sec.
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec.
TorpedoG7 Steinbutt 
Maximum Damage13,700 
Torpedo Speed65 knot
Torpedo Rangekm.
AA Defense
128 mm/61 KM40 in a turret7 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second86.8 
. . . Firing Range5.19 km.
55 mm/77 Gerät 58 on a twin mount8 х 2 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second195.2 
. . . Firing Range3.99 km.
20 mm/65 C/38 on a Flak 35 Vierling L/38 mount6 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second36 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
20 mm/65 C/38 on a Flak 35 Vierling L/38 mount6 х 4 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second36 
. . . Firing Range2.01 km.
Maximum Speed33.5 knot
Turning Circle Radius880 m.
Rudder Shift Time14 sec.
Surface Detectability Range14.67 km.
Air Detectability Range10.74 km.
Battle Levels

Siegfried — German special premium Tier IX cruiser.

A super-heavy Type "O" cruiser designed to operate in powerful raider formations. At the time the ship was designed, it was fast enough to escape from any battleship, while its armor protection and armament were strong enough to annihilate any cruiser.

Siegfried is available in the Research Bureau for 47,000Research Points.


Main Battery Guns Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
380 mm/52 SK C/34 on a Drh LC/34 mount2.3361754,4003411,600 00
Hull Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
Siegfried62,850163603712/8/72 00
Torpedoes Rate of Fire
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
180° Turn Time
Maximum Damage
Torpedo Speed
Torpedo Range
Research price
Purchase price
G7 Steinbutt0.7907.213,700656 00
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
FKS Typ 9 Mod. 10 00
Engine Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsion: 176,000 hp33.5 00

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Main Armaments Modification 1
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1
Magazine Modification 1
Spotting Aircraft Modification 1
Damage Control Party Modification 1
 Slot 2 
Damage Control System Modification 1
Defensive AA Fire Modification 1
Hydroacoustic Search Modification 1
Engine Room Protection
 Slot 3 
Main Battery Modification 2
Secondary Battery Modification 1
AA Guns Modification 1
Aiming Systems Modification 1
Torpedo Tubes Modification 1
 Slot 4 
Damage Control System Modification 2
Propulsion Modification 1
Steering Gears Modification 1
Airstrike Modification 1
 Slot 5 
Torpedo Lookout System
Concealment System Modification 1
Steering Gears Modification 2
Ship Consumables Modification 1
 Slot 6 
Main Battery Modification 3
Torpedo Tubes Modification 2
Gun Fire Control System Modification 2
Auxiliary Armaments Modification 2

Player Opinion


Warning: The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
Refer to the in-game Port screens for more useful data.

Siegfried is a T9 German battlecruiser that emphasizes main battery consistency and good close range fighting potential.

Siegfried's main battery consists of six 380mm guns, which means she has the largest calibre guns mounted on any cruiser in the game. This comes with an advantage of being able to overmatch plating of up to and including 26 mm (includes most cruiser and T7 BB extremities, side plating of high tier light cruisers, and the entirety of British CL hull plating), as well as having fantastic armor penetration properties (considering they are BB guns, after all) which allows her to hurt battleships just as well as she can hurt other cruisers, provided they present her with enough broadside to shoot at. The A-B-X turret arrangement allows her to stay heavily angled and still dish out reasonably good damage when an opportunity for a push arises, although her turret angles towards both the front and the rear may bait her user into overexposing their broadside both when pushing or kiting. Another great advantage of her main battery is its incredible accuracy (by battlecruiser standards) - Siegfried boasts standard cruiser dispersion coupled with 2.05 sigma, which means good aim will be exceptionally well rewarded, while poor aim will be more punished. To offset its advantages, the main battery boasts the longest reload time among cruisers at 26 seconds, and very poor HE shells. Overall, however, her main battery damage output can be slightly lacking when compared to her peers, mainly owing to its very long reload and low salvo weight.

Unlike pretty much any other cruiser, Siegfried's secondary battery is quite impressive - fourteen 128mm secondary guns mounted in double turrets, with a stock range comparable to that of German BB secondary batteries (with all upgrades, she can reach 11.5 km of range). These are configured with three to a side and one just ahead of the X turret, which makes her secondary battery more powerful in a kiting stance, even if by a little bit. Being 128mm guns of German making, they come with improved penetration values on their HE shells of 32 mm, which makes them capable of inflicting significant enough damage even to battleships. Still, it is important to remember, that as a result of the captain's skill rework she is no longer a viable secondary build ship.

Siegfried also sports a pair of quad torpedo mounts located amidships. Players familiar with German torpedoes will be quite comfortable with the standard 6km range. Aside from their offensive use which can give Siegfried an edge in brawls, captains may also make use of these torpedoes to help gauge an enemy’s speed and direction to aid in aiming her main battery.

Her AA defenses are hardly worth a mention. They will not prevent any CV from getting at least 1 payload off (very often even more), and they will not inflict significant long-term plane losses to most CVs.

Siegfried also sports quite good survivability - a very respectable HP pool; 27mm bow resistant to overmatch by AP shells of 381mm or less; an upper belt of 90mm, capable of deflecting most HE shells, all SAP shells and most AP when angled properly; a 30mm midsection deck capable of resisting overmatch by AP shells of caliber of 420 mm or less, which are very common in her matchmaking spread. Her captains can make good use of her 90mm upper belt by swinging their ship reactively when enemy battleships fire AP at her bow in order to deflect the shells off her un-overmatchable sides. Combined with great torpedo protection she is a well protected ship all around. This isn’t without some drawbacks though, Siegfried is a rather large ship making her an easy target to hit, which especially holds true for her large bow, and her citadel protection won't save her from high performance AP punching through her broadside. The lack of a forward armor belt makes hitting her citadel very easy for BBs that can overmatch her bow, especially at close range.

Her maneuverability is quite poor by cruiser standards, yet quite sufficient for a ship of her size and durability.

Her maximum concealment of 11.9 km is very good by battlecruiser standards and allows for a viable secondary build - she has a mere 400 m buffer zone between her minimum surface detection range and maximum secondary battery firing range, which can give her an edge when pushing into single targets or when preparing to stall an enemy push.

Siegfried has two viable play styles - a tanky medium range cruiser play style, or a secondary-focused play style. Either way, very good dispersion and her long firing range force enemy cruisers and BBs alike to respect her main battery by angling accordingly. A tank cruiser play style involves her operating around medium range, contributing to the team's total staying power while dishing out reliable damage at any range, while being able to pull off YOLO pushes in very niche situations inherent to her torpedo armament. This play style is more of a safe bet.

A secondary-focused play style involves being relatively passive early-game while dishing out damage while waiting for (or trying to create) an opportunity to push or bait the enemy into pushing in order to have her secondary battery give her an edge in engagements and enable her to trade favorably. Beware of focus fire, however, because a secondary play style mandates a build where her captain must sacrifice survivability for secondary battery power.


  • Main battery AP shells can overmatch up to 26mm armor
  • Very accurate main guns, Siegfried excels at ranged combat
  • Good main battery rate of fire, as well as decent turret traverse speed
  • Improved HE shell penetration, as with most German warships
  • Good durability for a cruiser, with a large hitpoint pool, armored midsection and turtleback protecting the citadel
  • Excellent ship speed of 33.5 knots
  • Very good concealment for such a large ship (with all relevant upgrades)


  • Only six main guns, Siegfried requires precise aiming
  • AP penetration becomes fairly subpar at maximum range
  • Very poor main battery HE damage output
  • Small number of secondaries with poor accuracy
  • Torpedoes are short ranged
  • Very large bow section is only 27mm thick, vulnerable to overmatching
  • As a large cruiser, Siegfried burns and floods like a battleship
  • Rather clumsy ship handling, rudder shift and turn radius are close to a battleship's


As a premium ship, Siegfried has no modules to research.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Siegfried are as follows:

Commander Skills


Siegfried can equip the following consumables:


As a premium ship, Siegfried comes with Default permanent camouflage and a set of permanent combat bonuses.


Captains should focus on flags that help with damage mitigation and/or improving her secondary battery.


Historical Info

Historical Gallery


Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update 0.8.5.

Testing Changes

  • May 23, 2019:
    • Preliminary characteristics.
  • July 19, 2019:
    • Number of charges of the Repair Party consumable decreased from 3 to 2.
    • Torpedo range decreased from 8 to 6 km.
  • Aug 2, 2019:
    • Secondary battery firing range increased from 5 to 7.6 km.
    • Secondary armament reload time decreased from 4 to 3.6 s.
  • Update 0.9.5:
    • Available in the "Research Bureau" section of the Armory for 47,000 Research points.
  • Update 0.9.7:
    • Fixed a bug due to which the ship could be sold.
  • Update 0.10.0:
    • The firing range of the secondary battery was increased to 7.95 km.

Ships of Germany
Destroyers  II V-25 • III G-101 • IV V-170 • V T-22 • VI Ernst Gaede • VI T-61Doubloons • VI Karl von SchönbergDoubloons • VII Leberecht Maass • VII Z-31 • VII Z-39Doubloons • VII Z-32Doubloons • VII Z-33Doubloons • VII Z-34Doubloons • VII Z-38Doubloons • VIII Z-23 • VIII Gustav-Julius Maerker • VIII Z-35Doubloons • IX Z-46 • IX Felix Schultz • IX Z-44Doubloons • IX ZF-6Doubloons • X Z-52 • X Elbing • X Z-42Doubloons • X Georg HoffmannDoubloons • X Lübeck 
Cruisers  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDoubloons • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VI LeipzigDoubloons • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDoubloons • VII WeimarDoubloons • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDoubloons • VIII MainzDoubloons • VIII SchillDoubloons • VIII Mainz BDoubloons • VIII Cross of DornDoubloons • VIII WiesbadenDoubloons • IX Roon • IX SiegfriedDoubloons • IX ÄgirDoubloons • IX Admiral SchröderDoubloons • IX Roon CLRDoubloons • IX AL ÄgirDoubloons • X Hindenburg • X HildebrandDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Hindenburg]|[Hindenburg]]] •  Clausewitz 
Battleships  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König AlbertDoubloons • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel FriedrichDoubloons • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII ScharnhorstDoubloons • VII AL Prinz HeinrichDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst BDoubloons • VII Scharnhorst '43Doubloons • VIII TirpitzDoubloons • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII OdinDoubloons • VIII BrandenburgDoubloons • VIII AnhaltDoubloons • VIII Brandenburg BDoubloons • VIII Tirpitz BDoubloons • VIII BA TirpitzDoubloons • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX PommernDoubloons • IX Pommern BDoubloons • IX Prinz Sigismund • X Grosser KurfürstDoubloons • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X MecklenburgDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Grosser Kurfürst]|[Grosser Kurfürst]]] •  Hannover 
Aircraft Carriers  IV Rhein • VI Weser • VI Erich LoewenhardtDoubloons • VIII August von Parseval • VIII [[Ship:Graf Zeppelin (< 23.01.2019)|Graf Zeppelin (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Graf ZeppelinDoubloons • VIII Graf Zeppelin BDoubloons • X Manfred von Richthofen • X Werner Voss • X Max ImmelmannDoubloons • X Otto Lilienthal
Netherlands  I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven ProvinciënDoubloons • VIII Admiraal • VIII Statenland • IX Johan de Witt • IX Van SpeijkDoubloons • X Gouden Leeuw • X Prins van OranjeDoubloons • X Vrijheid 
U.S.A.  I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDoubloons • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDoubloons • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDoubloons • V Marblehead LimaDoubloons • V RattleheadDoubloons • VI [[Ship:Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)|Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)]] • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDoubloons • VII [[Ship:Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)|Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)]] • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDoubloons • VII Atlanta BDoubloons • VII BoiseDoubloons • VII FlintDoubloons • VIII [[Ship:New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)|New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)]] • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDoubloons • VIII AnchorageDoubloons • VIII CongressDoubloons • VIII RochesterDoubloons • VIII San DiegoDoubloons • VIII AL MontpelierDoubloons • IX [[Ship:Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)|Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)]] • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX VallejoDoubloons • IX AlaskaDoubloons • IX TulsaDoubloons • IX Alaska BDoubloons • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto RicoDoubloons • X SalemDoubloons • X AustinDoubloons •  Jacksonville •  Annapolis 
Europe  I Gryf • VI ElliDoubloons • X SveaDoubloons 
Germany  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDoubloons • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VI LeipzigDoubloons • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDoubloons • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDoubloons • VII WeimarDoubloons • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDoubloons • VIII MainzDoubloons • VIII SchillDoubloons • VIII Mainz BDoubloons • VIII Cross of DornDoubloons • VIII WiesbadenDoubloons • IX Roon • IX SiegfriedDoubloons • IX ÄgirDoubloons • IX Admiral SchröderDoubloons • IX Roon CLRDoubloons • IX AL ÄgirDoubloons • X Hindenburg • X HildebrandDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Hindenburg]|[Hindenburg]]] •  Clausewitz 
U.S.S.R.  I Orlan • II DianaDoubloons • II Diana LimaDoubloons • II Novik • III AuroraDoubloons • III Bogatyr • III OlegDoubloons • III VaryagDoubloons • III AL AvroraDoubloons • IV Svietlana • V MurmanskDoubloons • V [[Ship:Kirov (< 10.06.2020)|Kirov (< 10.06.2020)]] • V Kotovsky • V Krasny KrymDoubloons • V MikoyanDoubloons • V KirovDoubloons • VI Budyonny • VI MolotovDoubloons • VI Admiral MakarovDoubloons • VII Shchors • VII LazoDoubloons • VII Lazo BDoubloons • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail KutuzovDoubloons • VIII OchakovDoubloons • VIII Pyotr BagrationDoubloons • VIII Bagration • VIII Dmitry PozharskyDoubloons • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX KronshtadtDoubloons • IX Kozma MininDoubloons • X MoskvaDoubloons • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X StalingradDoubloons • X Smolensk BDoubloons • X SmolenskDoubloons • X SevastopolDoubloons • X KomissarDoubloons • X [[Ship:[Moskva]|[Moskva]]] • X Vladimir Monomakh • X Petrozavodsk •  Novosibirsk 
Italy  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDoubloons • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDoubloons • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDoubloons • VII Francesco FerruccioDoubloons • VII GoriziaDoubloons • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • IX MichelangeloDoubloons • X Venezia • X NapoliDoubloons • X Napoli BDoubloons • X Ravenna •  Piemonte 
Pan-America  I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante AbreuDoubloons • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de JulioDoubloons • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante GrauDoubloons • IX Santander • X San Martín 
Japan  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDoubloons • IV YūbariDoubloons • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDoubloons • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDoubloons • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDoubloons • VII MayaDoubloons • VII ARP MyōkōDoubloons • VII ARP AshigaraDoubloons • VII ARP HaguroDoubloons • VII Southern DragonDoubloons • VII Eastern DragonDoubloons • VII ARP NachiDoubloons • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDoubloons • VIII AtagoDoubloons • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDoubloons • VIII ARP TakaoDoubloons • VIII ARP MayaDoubloons • VIII Tone 2 • VIII Tone 3 • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDoubloons • IX AL AzumaDoubloons • IX Chikuma IIDoubloons • IX Chikuma II GoldenDoubloons • IX BA TakahashiDoubloons • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDoubloons • X Yoshino BDoubloons • X KitakamiDoubloons • X YariDoubloons • X Zaō CLR • X [[Ship:[Zaō]|[Zaō]]] 
U.K.  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDoubloons • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDoubloons • VI DidoDoubloons • VI Orion '44Doubloons • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDoubloons • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDoubloons • VIII Tiger '59Doubloons • VIII Belfast '43Doubloons • VIII HampshireDoubloons • VIII NottinghamDoubloons • VIII AL CheshireDoubloons • VIII STAR EdinburghDoubloons • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X MonmouthDoubloons • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X PlymouthDoubloons • X GibraltarDoubloons • X DefenceDoubloons •  Edgar 
France  I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De GrasseDoubloons • VI DupleixDoubloons • VI MontcalmDoubloons • VI [[Ship:[La Galissonnière]|[La Galissonnière]]]Doubloons • VII Algérie • VII ToulonDoubloons • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII BayardDoubloons • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX CarnotDoubloons • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X ColbertDoubloons • X BrennusDoubloons •  Condé 
Pan-Asia  I Chengan • III Ning HaiDoubloons • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI HuangheDoubloons • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII IrianDoubloons • VIII WukongDoubloons • IX Sejong • IX DalianDoubloons • IX MengchongDoubloons • IX TianjinDoubloons • X Jinan • X IncheonDoubloons 
Spain  I Júpiter • II Méndez Núñez • III Navarra • IV Almirante Cervera • V Galicia • VI Baleares • VI CanariasDoubloons • VII Asturias • VIII Cataluña • VIII NumanciaDoubloons • IX Andalucía • IX Almirante OquendoDoubloons • X Castilla 
Commonwealth  I Sutlej • II Port Jackson • III Caradoc • IV Dunedin • V Delhi • VI Hobart • VI PerthDoubloons • VI MysoreDoubloons • VII Uganda • VIII Auckland • IX Encounter • IX HectorDoubloons • X Cerberus • X BrisbaneDoubloons